Call Number (LC) Title Results
E 1.99:CONF-9608106--21 Ratepayer-funded energy-efficiency programs in a restructured electricity industry Issues, options, and unanswered questions. 1
E 1.99:CONF-9608106--22 Energy effectiveness of duct sealing and insulation in two multifamily buildings 1
E 1.99:CONF-9608106--23 Measuring savings in energy savings performance contracts using in-place energy management systems -- A case study 1
E 1.99:CONF-9608107-- Systematic error revisited 1
E 1.99:CONF-9608107--1 Using tolerance bounds in scientific investigations 1
E 1.99: conf-9608107--2 An application of robust parameter design using an alternative to Taguchi methods 1
E 1.99:CONF-9608108--1 Corroded spent nuclear fuel examined with EELS 1
E 1.99:CONF-9608108--2 SEM/EDS analysis of boron in waste glasses with ultrathin window detector and digital pulse processor 1
E 1.99:CONF-9608108--3 Chemical effects of lanthanides and actinides in glasses determined with electron energy loss spectroscopy 1
E 1.99: conf-9608109--1 Temperature studies in the new Sandia length and mass primary standards labs 1
E 1.99:CONF-9608109--2 Oak Ridge callibration recall program 1
E 1.99: conf-9608110--1 Humic and fluvic acids and organic colloidal materials in the environment 1
E 1.99:CONF-9608112--1 Penta-prism long trace profiler (PPLTP) for measurement of grazing incidence space optics 1
E 1.99: conf-9608113--2 The explosive components facility - fulfilling its role as a national resource 1
E 1.99:CONF-9608113--3 Proof testing of an explosion containment vessel 1
E 1.99: conf-9608114--1 Addressing uncertainty in rock properties through geostatistical simulation 1
E 1.99: conf-9608115--1 Insights into multivariate calibration using errors-in-variables modeling 1
E 1.99: conf-9608116--1 Effect of oxidations on phosphorus-diffused crystalline-silicon substrates 1
E 1.99:CONF-9608116--2 Self-aligned selective emitter plasma-etchback and passivation process for screen-printed silicon solar cells 1
E 1.99:CONF-9608116--Summ Sixth workshop on the role of impurities and defects in silicon device processing 1