Call Number (LC) Title Results
E 1.99:CONF-961123--12 D-Zero muon readout electronics design 1
E 1.99:CONF-961123--13 A new pulse arrival-time recording system 1
E 1.99:CONF-961123--14 A preamp-amplifier-discriminator module developed for the CTEN waste assay system 1
E 1.99:CONF-961123--15 Uncertainty estimation for Bayesian reconstructions from low-count spect data 1
E 1.99:CONF-961123--16 Results from the STAR TPC system test 1
E 1.99:CONF-961123--17 A new intense neutron generator and high-resolution detector for well logging applications 1
E 1.99: conf-961125--1 TCP performance in ATM networks ABR parameter tuning and ABR/UBR comparisons. 1
E 1.99: conf-961125--2 Fast packet switching algorithms for dynamic resource control over ATM networks 1
E 1.99: conf-961127--1 Ion-implanted GaAs JFETs with f{sub t} < 45 GHz for low-power electronics 1
E 1.99: conf-961134--1 Automatic event picking in pre-stack migrated gathers using a probabilistic neural network 1
E 1.99:CONF-961134--2 Microearthquakes induced by a hydraulic injection in sedimentary rock, East Texas 1
E 1.99:CONF-961138--1 Modeling microstructure development in weld materials 1
E 1.99:CONF-961139--1 Assessment techniques for a learning-centered curriculum evaluation design for adventures in supercomputing. 1
E 1.99:CONF-961140--1 Development of a carburizing and quenching simulation tool Numerical simulations of rings and gears. 1
E 1.99: conf-961140--2 Development of a carburizing and quenching simulation tool A material model for low carbon steels undergoing phase transformations. 1
E 1.99:CONF-961140--3 Development of a carburizing and quenching simulation tool Determination of heat transfer boundary conditions in salt. 1
E 1.99:CONF-961140--4 Neutron scattering residual stress measurements on gray cast iron brake discs 1
E 1.99:conf-961141--1 Magnetism in BaCoSâ‚‚ 1
E 1.99:CONF-961141--2 {open_quotes}Exchange-spring{close_quotes} Nd-Fe-B alloys Investigations into reversal mechanisms and their temperature dependence. 1
E 1.99:CONF-961141--3 Crystallographic texture determinations from inverse susceptibility measurements 1