E 1.99:CONF-970424--11
Reducing nuclear danger through intergovernmental technical exchanges on nuclear materials safety management |
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E 1.99:CONF-970424--12
Comparison of alpha spectroscopy procedures for measuring Pu, Am, and U swipeable contamination |
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E 1.99:CONF-970424--13
Radiometric measurements on the fabrication of non-destructive assay standards for WIPP-Performance Demonstration Program |
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E 1.99:CONF-970424--14
Direct-scanning alpha spectrometer for americium and plutonium contamination on highly-enriched uranium surfaces |
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E 1.99:CONF-970424--16
Determination of long-lived fission products and actinides in Savannah River site HLW sludge and glass for waste acceptance |
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E 1.99:CONF-970424--17
Physics-based generation of gamma-ray response functions for CDZNTE detectors |
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E 1.99:CONF-970424--18
Inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer installation modifications in a radioactive contaminated laboratory for the analysis of DOE radioactive waste streams |
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E 1.99: conf-970426--
PASS a component of Desk Top PA for the WIPP. |
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E 1.99: conf-970428--1
Effects on focused ion beam irradiation on MOS transistors |
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E 1.99:CONF-970429--1
Effects of surface grinding conditions on the reciprocating friction and wear behavior of silicon nitride |
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E 1.99:CONF-970429--2
Solid/liquid lubrication of ceramics at elevated temperatures |
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E 1.99:CONF-970430--1
PADMA PArallel Data Mining Agents for scalable text classification. |
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E 1.99:CONF-970430--2
MC++ A parallel, portable, Monte Carlo neutron transport code in C++ |
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E 1.99:CONF-970430--3
Application of a parallel 3-dimensional hydrogeochemistry HPF code to a proposed waste disposal site at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory |
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E 1.99:CONF-970430--4
Parallelization of a multiregion flow and transport code using software emulated global shared memory and high performance FORTRAN |
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E 1.99:CONF-970430--5
A three-region, moving boundary model of a furnace flame |
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E 1.99:CONF-970430--6
Comparison of some parallel Krylov solvers for large scale groundwater contaminant transport simulations |
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E 1.99:CONF-970430--7
Highway traffic simulation on multi-processor computers |
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E 1.99:CONF-970430--8
Neural networks for control of NO{sub x} emissions in fossil plants |
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E 1.99:CONF-970430--9
Simulation of Atmospheric Dispersion of a Radioactive Plume Including Sensible Heat |
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