Call Number (LC) Title Results
E 1.99: conf-970701--3 A long-term strategic plan for development of solar thermal electric technology 1
E 1.99:CONF-970701--4 Cogeneration in the former Soviet Union 1
E 1.99:CONF-970701--5 Comprehensive country energy assessments using the MARKAL-MACRO model 1
E 1.99:CONF-970701--6 {open_quotes}Radon{close_quotes} - the system of Soviet designed regional waste management facilities 1
E 1.99: conf-970701--7 VSHOT measurement uncertainty and sensitivity study 1
E 1.99: conf-970701--8 Summary of collaborative photovoltaic industry work to proactively improve codes and standards for photovoltaic power system applications 1
E 1.99:CONF-970701--9 The Potential for Energy-Efficient Technologies to Reduce Carbon Emissions in the United States Transport Sector. 1
E 1.99:CONF-970701--10 Oil Dependence The Value of R{ampersand}D. 1
E 1.99: conf-970706-- {open_quotes}Quadrupoled{close_quotes} materials for second-order nonlinear optics
Analysis of Cd{sub 1-x}ZnₓTe microstructure
Quantum Spin Fluctuations in Quasi-One-Dimensional Chlorine-Bridged Platinum Complexes
X-ray induced damage observations in ZERODUR mirrors
Effective medium approximation of the optical properties of electrochromic cerium-titanium oxide compounds
Automatic vision system for analysis of microscopic behavior of flow and transport in porous media
Synthetic infrared spectra for correlation spectroscopy
Color image analysis of contaminants and bacteria transport in porous media
Critical heat flux performance of hypervapotrons proposed for use in the ITER divertor vertical target
High resolution bragg focusing optics for synchrotron monochromators and analyzers
Back-side emissions from filtered gold targets
E 1.99:CONF-970706-- Probing high density plasmas with soft x-ray lasers
Soft x-ray spectroscopy undulator beamline at the Advanced Photon Source
Algorithms using inter-band cross-correlation for pixel registration and jitter reconstruction in multi-channel push-broom imagers
Production of multi-kilovolt x-ray from laser-heated targets
Ultrafast holography and transient absorption spectroscopy in charge-transfer polymers
Exciton and biexciton signatures in femotosecond transient absorption of π-conjugated oligomers
High-resolution X-ray spectroscopy of hollow atoms created in plasma heated by subpicosecond laser radiation
Ultrafast and nonlinear optical characterization of optical limiting processes in fullerenes
Progress in silicon-to-silicon direct bonding and its application to synchrotron x-ray optics
Advanced photon source undulator beamline tests of a contact-cooled silicon u-shaped monochromator
Low-noise detector and amplifier design for 100 ns direct detection CO₂ LIDAR receiver
Metrology laboratory requirements for third-generation synchrotron radiation sources
Pad polishing for rapid production of large flats
Development of frequency-agile high-repetition-rate CO₂ DIAL systems for long range chemical remote sensing
Table-top transient collisional excitation x-ray laser research at LLNL
Specification of optical components for a high average-power laser environment
Modleing of psec laser driven Ne-like and Ni-like x-ray lasers
Imaging experiments of Ne-like x-ray lasers
Optical manufacturing requirements for an AVLIS plant
Rate of long term bleaching in FK 51 optical glass darkened by Co60 ionizing radiation at dose rates of 10 krad/hr and 7 rad/hr
High resolution, large area, high energy x-ray tomography
Interface reaction characterization and interfacial effects in multilayers
Infrared microspectroscopy with synchrotron radiation
Time resolved spectroscopy using synchrotron infrared pulses
Industrial applications of accelerator-based infrared sources Analysis using infrared microspectroscopy.
Potential of a beryllium x-ray lens
Preliminary calculations of ballistic bunch compression with thermionic cathode rf guns
Photorefractivity in liquid crystalline composite materials
High resolution monochromator for inelastic scattering studies of high energy phonons using undulator radiation at the advanced photon source
XOP A multiplatform graphical user interface for synchrotron radiation spectral and optics calculations.
Traveling wave pumping of ultra-short pulse x-ray lasers
High heat flux x-ray monochromators What are the limits?
Prospects for using high power x-rays as a volumetric heat source
Testing of optical components to assure performance in a high acerage power environment
A contiguity-enhanced k-means clustering algorithm for unsupervised multispectral image segmentation
Laboratory and Field Evidence for Long-Term Starvation Survival of Microorganisms in Subsurface Terrestrial Environments
Back-scattering channel-cut high-resolution monochromator for inelastic x-ray scattering
Beryllium window for an APS diagnostics beamline
Developments in limited data image reconstruction techniques for ultrahigh-resolution x-ray tomographic imaging of microchips
High heat load crystal cooling strategies for an APS wiggler beamline
Mid-wave infrared DIAL noise phenomenology
Measurement of spatial gain profiles in multiple pulse driven Ne like Ge lasers
Lamellar multilayer gratings with very high diffraction efficiency
Transient x-ray diffraction and its application to materials science and x-ray optics
Virtual sine arm kinematic mount system
CT with monochromatic synchrotron x rays and its potential in clinical research
First significant image improvement from a sodium-layer laser guide star adaptive optics system at Lick Observatory
Infrasonic observations of bolides on October 4, 1996
Effect of the Keck telescopès segmented primary on the performance on the Keck adaptive optics system
Calibration of the stellar X-ray polarimeter
Intensity Masking to Get High Resolution Images from Low Quality Apertures
Long term bleaching of optical glasses darkened by Co60 Ionizing radiation
Third order nonlinear optical properties of stacked bacteriochlorophylls in bacterial photosynthetic light-harvesting proteins
Silicon photodiode characterization from 1 eV to 10 keV
MCP characterization at the Cu and Mo K{sub α x-ray energies
Progress towards sub-micron hard x-ray imaging using elliptically bent mirrors
E 1.99:CONF-970706--1 The Europa Ocean Discovery mission 1
E 1.99:CONF-970706--2 Coplanar-grid detector with single-electrode readout 1
E 1.99: conf-970706--3 Modeling an optical micromachine probe 1
E 1.99:CONF-970706--4 Optical power limiting for eye protection from tunable lasers 1
E 1.99:CONF-970706--5 A geometrical constraint on shadowing in rough surfaces 1
E 1.99:CONF-970706--6 Rapid fabrication and characterization of sine wave targets 1
E 1.99:CONF-970706--7 Synchro-ballistic recording of detonation phenomena 1
E 1.99:CONF-970706--8 Government-industry-uUniversity and rResearch lLaboratories cCoordination for new product development Session 2. Government research laboratory perspective. 1
E 1.99:CONF-970706--9 Comparison of Materials for Use in the Precision Grinding of Optical Components 1
E 1.99:CONF-970706--;LSBL--400 A linear motion machine for soft x-ray interferometry 1