Call Number (LC) Title Results
E 1.99:doe/ee--98004307 Photovoltaics 1996-1997. Technical documents published in 1996 and 1997 from the Photovoltaic Research Activities of the U.S. Department of Energy 1
E 1.99:doe/ee--98004846 Technology opportunities to reduce US greenhouse gas emissions 1
E 1.99:doe/ee--98004847 Technology opportunities to reduce US greenhouse gas emissions. Appendix B technology pathways characterization (working document) 1
E 1.99:DOE/EE--98006398 How to buy energy-efficient residential windows 1
E 1.99:DOE/EE--98006399 How to buy energy-efficient distribution transformer 1
E 1.99:DOE/EE--98006400 How to buy an energy-efficient electric motor 1
E 1.99:DOE/EE--99001328 Aluminum Industry of the future. 1
E 1.99:DOE/EE--99001703 Metal casting industry of the future An integrated approach to delivering energy efficiency products and services. 1
E 1.99:DOE/EE--99001704 Enabling technologies Supporting the development and use of innovative, energy-efficient, and environmentally friendly products and processes. 1
E 1.99:DOE/EE--99001705 Steel industry of the future Meeting the material challenges of the 21. century. 1
E 1.99:DOE/EE--99001706 Forest products industry of the future Building a sustainable technology advantage for Americà€s forest products industry. 1
E 1.99:DOE/EE/OBT--11569-Vol.1 Energy-efficient buildings program evaluations. Volume 1 Findings and recommendations. 1
E 1.99:DOE-EERC24233 Subtask 1.1 ? Advanced Characterization of Unconventional Oil and Gas Reservoirs to Enhance CO2 Storage Resource Estimates 1
E 1.99:doe-eerc--0009114-1 Optimizing and Quantifying CO<sub>2</sub> Storage Resource in Saline Formations and Hydrocarbon Reservoirs 1
E 1.99:DOE-EERC-0024233 EERC Final Topical Report ? Findings on Subtask 3.2 ? Produced Water Management Through Geologic Homogenization, Conditions, and Reuse 1
E 1.99:DOE-EERC-24233 Subtask 2.5 ? Syngas Testing of NETL's Advanced Precombustion CO2 Capture Solvent 1
E 1.99:doe-eerc-24233 Subtask 1.3 ? Integrated Carbon Capture and Storage for North Dakota Ethanol Production
Subtask 1.4 - Techno-Economic Assessment of Regional Carbon Utilization Scenarios and Attendant Monitoring Technology
E 1.99:doe-eerc--0024454-2 Improved Characterization and Modeling of Tight Oil Formations for CO<sub>2</sub> Enhanced Oil Recovery Potential and Storage Capacity Estimation 1
E 1.99:doe-eerc--0029186 Nebraska Integrated Carbon Capture and Storage Pre-Feasibility Study 1
E 1.99:doe-eerc-29488 North Dakota Integrated Carbon Storage Complex Feasibility Study 1