E 1.99:LA--13133-SR
94-1 Research and Development Project Lead laboratory support. Status report, October 1--December 31, 1995 |
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E 1.99:LA--13134-MS
Application of curium measurements for safeguarding at reprocessing plants. Study 1 High-level liquid waste and Study 2: Spent fuel assemblies and leached hulls. |
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E 1.99:LA--13135-PR
Nuclear materials stabilization and packaging. Quarterly progress report, October 1--December 31, 1995 |
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E 1.99:LA--13136-MS
Hantavirus testing in rodents of north-central New Mexico 1993-1995 |
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E 1.99:LA--13137-MS
General features of Hugoniots |
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E 1.99:LA--13138
MCNP{trademark} Software Quality Assurance plan |
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E 1.99:LA--13141-MS
Implementation plan for the Operations Center Upgrade project |
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E 1.99:la--13143-ms
Lightweight Radioisotope Heater Unit (LWRHU) production for the Cassini mission |
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E 1.99:LA--13144-MS
Radionuclide and heavy metal concentrations in soil, vegetation, and fish collected around and within Tsicoma Lake in Santa Clara Canyon |
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E 1.99:LA--13145-SR
Los Alamos National Laboratory Yucca Mountain Site Characterization Project 1995 quality program status report |
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E 1.99:la--13147
General-purpose heat source Research and development program. Radioisotope thermoelectric generator impact tests. |
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E 1.99:LA--13148-MS
Ecotoxicological screen of Potential Release Site 50-006(d) of Operable Unit 1147 of Mortandad Canyon and relationship to the Radioactive Liquid Waste Treatment Facilities project |
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E 1.99:LA--13149-MS
Radionuclides and radioactivity in soils within and around Los Alamos National Laboratory, 1974 through 1994 Concentrations, trends, and dose comparisons. |
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E 1.99:LA--13152-M
RRFC hardware operation manual |
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E 1.99:la--13153-t
A numerical model of hydro-thermo-mechanical coupling in a fractured rock mass |
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E 1.99:LA--13154-MS
Principles of As-Built Engineering |
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E 1.99:LA--13155-MS
Principles of models based engineering |
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E 1.99:LA--13156-MS
Long-term fate of depleted uranium at Aberdeen and Yuma Proving Grounds Human health and ecological risk assessments. |
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E 1.99:LA--13157-MS
Structural control on basaltic dike and sill emplacement, Paiute Ridge mafic intrusion complex, southern Nevada |
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E 1.99:LA--13158-MS
Heat flow and hot dry rock geothermal resources of the Clearlake Region, northern California |
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