E 1.99:LA-UR--95-1509
A versatile, high-power proton linac for accelerator driven transmutation technologies |
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E 1.99:la-ur--95-1520
Characterizing size dependence of ceramic-fiber strength using modified Weibull distribution |
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E 1.99:LA-UR--95-1524
Unexpected matching insensitivity in DTL of GTA accelerator |
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E 1.99:LA-UR--95-1531
Computerized material accounting |
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E 1.99:LA-UR--95-1539
Application of a transverse phase-space measurement technique for high-brightness, H{sup - beams to the GTA H{sup - beam |
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E 1.99:LA-UR--95-1540
Phase-scan analysis results for the first drift tube linac module in the ground test accelerator Data reproducibility and comparison to simulations. |
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E 1.99:LA-UR--95-1543
Lattice polymer automata |
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E 1.99:LA-UR--95-1547
Electric fields, electron production, and electron motion at the stripper foil in the Los Alamos Proton Storage Ring |
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E 1.99:LA-UR--95-1548
Ion-chamber-based loss monitor system for the Los Alamos Meson Physics Facility |
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E 1.99:LA-UR--95-1549
Electron clearing in the Los Alamos Proton Storage Ring |
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E 1.99:LA-UR--95-1553
A low-frequency high-voltage rf-barrier-bunching system for high-intensity neutron source compressor rings |
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E 1.99:la-ur--95-1555
Magnetostriction and thermal expansion of the Kondo semiconductor Ce{sub 3}Bi{sub 4}Pt{sub 3} |
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E 1.99:LA-UR--95-1564
Nonproliferation and safeguarding via ionization detection |
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E 1.99:LA-UR--95-1566
Linac-driven spallation-neutron source |
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E 1.99:LA-UR--95-1567
A theoretical study of the electron-proton instability in a long proton pulse |
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E 1.99:LA-UR--95-1568
Recent progress on beam stability study in the PSR |
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E 1.99:LA-UR--95-1574
Tritium activities in the United States |
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E 1.99:LA-UR--95-1578
High brightness electron sources |
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E 1.99:LA-UR--95-1594
Updated TRAC analysis of an 80% double-ended cold-leg break for the AP600 design |
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E 1.99:LA-UR--95-1608
Acoustic techniques in nuclear safeguards |
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