Call Number (LC) Title Results
E 1.99:TVA/OP/EUDR-81/4(78-82) Distributors of TVA power, fiscal years 1978-1982 - statistics 1
E 1.99:TVA/OP/EUDR-83/2 Industrial development in the TVA Area during 1982 1
E 1.99:TVA/OP/EUDR-83/3 1981 commercial and industrial survey customers of municipal and cooperative distributors of TVA power. 1
E 1.99:TVA/OP/FHP-82/11 EPRI hydro operation and maintenance workshop. Turbine-guide-bearing sleeve repairs and replacement; water-lubricated bearings - TVA hydro plants 1
E 1.99:TVA/OP/OPS-83/1 Use of oscillograph records for analyzing system performance 1
E 1.99:tva/pub-82/8 Light water operational experience. A presentation before the USA industry-government seminar on nuclear power technology, Lake Bled, Yugoslavia, April 19, 1982 1
E 1.99:tva/pub-82/11 Atoms in Appalachia. Historical report on the Clinch River Breeder Reactor site 1
E 1.99:TVA/PUB-83/1 Radiological-impact assessment, Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant, July-December 1979 1
E 1.99:TVA/PUB-83/2 Radiological impact assessment, Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant, January-June 1980 1
E 1.99:TVA/PUB-83/3 Radiological-impact assessment, Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant, July-December 1980 1
E 1.99:TVA/PUB-83/4 Browns Ferry waste heat greenhouse progress report II 1
E 1.99:TVA/PUB-83/5 Battery test plan 1
E 1.99:TVA/PUB-83/6 Test and evaluation report for the Grumman-Olson Kurbwatt 1
E 1.99:TVA/PUB-83/7 Coal-fired power plant effects on vegetation TVA experience. 1
E 1.99:TVA/PUB-83/8 End-Use Study of Domestic Hot Water EPRI/TVA/CEPB (Final report) 1
E 1.99:TVA/PUB-83/9 Evaluation of the Load-Management Potential in the Commercial and Industrial Sector for the TVA Region (Final Report) 1
E 1.99:TVA/PUB-83/10 Performance of eight Memphis 1000 solar water heaters with external heat exchangers for the period October 1979 to September 1980 analysis of monitoring data. 1
E 1.99:TVA/PUB-83/11 Urea-ammonium sulfate suspension fertilizers bench-scale and pilot-plant studies. TVA Circular Z-141. 1
E 1.99:TVA/PUB-83/12 Particle-size requirements for bulk blend materials. Circular Z-146 1
E 1.99:TVA/PUB-83/13 Practical processes for determining losses from granulation plants. Circular Z-147 1