Call Number (LC) Title Results
E 1.99:whc-sd-ll-da--038 Laydown pad analysis for crane and rigging 1
E 1.99:whc-sd-ll-es--040 300 Area signal cable study 1
E 1.99:whc-sd-ll-ti--012 100 Area electrical distribution fault and coordination report 1
E 1.99:whc-sd-mp-srid--001 High level waste storage tanks 242-A evaporator standards/requirement identification document 1
E 1.99:whc-sd-mp-srid--002 Westinghouse Hanford Company (WHC) standards/requirements identification document (S/RID) 1
E 1.99:whc-sd-mp-srid--003 Plutonium Finishing Plant (PFP) Standards/Requirements Identification Document (S/RID) 1
E 1.99:whc-sd-mp-srid--005 B plant standards/requirements identification document (S/RID) 1
E 1.99:whc-sd-mp-srid--007 Waste encapsulation storage facility (WESF) standards/requirements identification document (S/RIDS) 1
E 1.99:WHC-SD-MP-SWD--30001-Rev.7 Certification of MCNP Version 4A for WHC computer platforms. Revision 7 1
E 1.99:WHC-SD-MP-SWD--30001-Rev.8 Certification of MCNP version 4A for WHC computer platforms 1
E 1.99:whc-sd-n040-es--001 Spent fuel consolidation in the 105KW Building fuel storage basin 1
E 1.99:WHC-SD-NEL-ER--001 PRTR ion exchange vault water removal 1
E 1.99:whc-sd-nel-er--002 Rupture Loop Annex (RLA) ion exchange vault entry and characterization 1
E 1.99:WHC-SD-NEL-ER--004 Rupture loop annex ion exchange RLAIX vault deactivation 1
E 1.99:WHC-SD-NEL-OTR--001 Sodium wash station operational testing report 1
E 1.99:WHC-SD-NEL-RD--001 309 Facility deactivation and decommisioning Criteria Completion Check Lists 1
E 1.99:whc-sd-nr-anal--014 Consolidated fuel decay heat calculations 1
E 1.99:whc-sd-nr-cser--010 Criticality safety evaluation report for 300 Area N Reactor fuel fabrication and storage facility 1
E 1.99:whc-sd-nr-cser--011-rev.1 Criticality safety evaluation of the 100K Area ion exchange modules and ion exchange columns 1
E 1.99:whc-sd-nr-cser--013 Critically safety evaluation for K Basins sandfilters 1