Call Number (LC) Title Results
E 1.99:ANL/EAD/TM-85 P2Pro(RSM) a computerized management tool for implementing DOE's authorized release process for radioactive scrap metals. 1
E 1.99:ANL/EAD/TM-86 Estimation of contamination volume at Seaway Area A, New York. 1
E 1.99:anl/ead/tm--87 Floodplain/wetlands assessment for the borrow areas for the restoration of the Weldon Spring Quarry, Weldon Spring Site, Missouri 1
E 1.99:anl/ead/tm--88 Floodplain/wetlands assessment for the interceptor trench field study near the Weldon Spring Quarry, Weldon Spring Site, Missouri 1
E 1.99:anl/ead/tm-90 Alternative multimedia regulatory programs for next-generation refineries 1
E 1.99:anl/ead/tm-92 Protocol for development of authorized release limits for concrete at U.S. Department of Energy sites 1
E 1.99:anl/ead/tm-93 Assessing the impact of hazardous constituents on the mobilization, transport, and fate of radionuclides in RCRA waste disposal units. 1
E 1.99:anl/ead/tm-94 Concrete release protocol case studies for decommissioning work at the Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory 1
E 1.99:anl/ead/tm-97 Twin Cities Army Ammunition Plant soil vapor extraction system a post-audit modeling study. 1
E 1.99:anl/ead/tm-99 Cost estimate report for the long-term management of depleted uranium hexafluoride storage of depleted uranium metal. 1
E 1.99:anl/ead/tm-100 Engineering analysis report for the long-term management of depleted uranium hexafluoride storage of depleted uranium metal. 1
E 1.99:anl/ead/tm-101 vol. 1 Technology resource document for the assembled chemical weapons assessment environmental impact statement. Vol. 1 overview of the ACWA program and appendixes A-E. 1
E 1.99:anl/ead/tm-101 vol 2 Technology resource document for the assembled chemical weapons assessment environmental impact statement. Vol. 2 assembled systems for weapons destruction at Anniston Army Depot. 1
E 1.99:anl/ead/tm-101 vol 3 Technology resource document for the assembled chemical weapons assessment environmental impact statement. Vol. 3 assembled systems for weapons destruction at Pine Bluff Arsenal. 1
E 1.99:anl/ead/tm-101 vol 4 Technology resource document for the assembled chemical weapons assessment environmental impact statement. Vol. 4 assembled systems for weapons destruction at Pueblo Chemical Depot. 1
E 1.99:anl/ead/tm-101 vol 5 Technology resource document for the assembled chemical weapons assessment environmental impact statement. Vol. 5 assembled systems for weapons destruction at Blue Grass Army Depot. 1
E 1.99:anl/ead/tm-104 Environmental impacts of options for disposal of depleted uranium tetrafluoride (UF{sub 4}). 1
E 1.99:anl/ead/tm-105 A decisional process model for stewardship. 1
E 1.99:anl/ead/tm-106 Engineering analysis for disposal of depleted uranium tetrafluoride (UF{sub 4}). 1
E 1.99:anl/ead/tm-107 Depleted uranium hexafluoride management program data compilation for the K-25 site. 1