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A summary of genomic data relating to E. coli organized by metabolic pathways An initial version. |
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A summary of block schemes for reducing a general matrix to Hessenberg form |
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A summary of block schemes for reducing a general matrix to Hessenberg form |
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Early experiences with the IBM SP-1 |
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Asymptotic analysis, Working Note No. 1 Basic concepts and definitions. |
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Asymptotic analysis Working Note No. 2, Approximation of integrals. |
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Asymptotic analysis Working note {number_sign}3, boundary layers. |
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First Theory Institute on Computational Differentiation |
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The impact of HPF data layout on the design of efficient and maintainable parallel linear algebra libraries |
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A collection of tools in support of automatic differentiation |
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Computational load in model physics of the parallel NCAR community climate model |
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ADIFOR working note No. 11 ADIFOR strategies related to POINTER usage in MM5. |
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On automatic differentiation of codes with COMPLEX arithmetic with respect to real variables |
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Nexus An interoperability layer for parallel and distributed computer systems. |
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Load-balancing algorithms for the parallel community climate model |
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The QED Workshop |
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ADIFOR 2.0 user̀s guide (Revision B) |
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Using the scalable nonlinear equations solvers package |
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Using ADIFOR 1.0 to compute Hessians |
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Fortran 77 interface specification to the SparsLinC 1.0 library |
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