Call Number (LC) Title Results
E 1.99:anl/ras 80-17 Fast-Neutron Hodoscope at TREAT Methods for Quantitative Determination of Fuel Dispersal. 1
E 1.99:anl/ras 80-27 Nonlinear Analysis of TREAT MK III Loop 1
E 1.99:anl/ras 81-8 TREAT MK III Loop Thermoelastoplastic Stress Analysis for the L03 Experiment 1
E 1.99:anl/ras--84-6 Evaluation of transient fuel pin cladding failure criteria for application to inherently safe LMFBR designs 1
E 1.99:anl/ras--84-31 FPIN2 posttest analysis of cylindrical canisters in SLSF Experiment P4 1
E 1.99:anl/ras--85-9 SLSF in-reactor local fault safety experiment P4. Final report 1
E 1.99:anl/ras-87-3 Reinforced flexural elements for TEMP-STRESS Program 1
E 1.99:anl/ras--89-1 TEMP-STRESS---A thermomechanical finite element program for the analysis of plane and axisymmetric reinforced/prestressed concrete structures User̀s manual. 1
E 1.99:anl/ras/lwr-76-1 Occurrence of critical heat flux during blowdown with flow reversal. [LWR] 1
E 1.99:anl/ras/lwr--81-2 Correlation for liquid entrainment in annular two-phase flow of viscous fluid 1
E 1.99:anl/ras/nasap-78-2 Safety-licensing assessment of NASAP reactor concepts and fuel cycle facilities 1
E 1.99:anl-rdp--24 Reactor Development Program progress report, January 1974 1
E 1.99:anl-rdp-86 Reactor development program. Progress report, August 1979. [LMFBR] 1
E 1.99:anl-re-91/2-vol.1 A faster reactor transient analysis methodology for PCs 1
E 1.99:anl-re--91/2-vol.1 A faster reactor transient analysis methodology for PCs. Volume 1, The computational model 1
E 1.99:anl-re-91/2-vol.2 A fast reactor transient analysis methodology for PCs 1
E 1.99:anl-re--91/2-vol.2 A fast reactor transient analysis methodology for PCs. Volume 2, LTC program manual 1
E 1.99:anl/re-91/2-vol.3 A fast reactor transient analysis methodology for PCs Volume 3, LTC program manual of the QuickBASIC code. 1
E 1.99:anl/re--91/2-vol.3 A fast reactor transient analysis methodology for PCs Volume 3, LTC program manual of the QuickBASIC code. 1
E 1.99:anl/re--92/1 Dynamic response of a tank containing two liquids 1