Call Number (LC) Title Results
E 1.99:anl-afp-18 Engineering hot channel factors for mixed carbide and nitride fuels in 5000 MWt LMFBRs 1
E 1.99:anl-afp-19 Radial zoning in large LMFBRs. Part I 1
E 1.99:anl-afp-20 Radial zoning of large LMFBRs. Part II. An analytical approach 1
E 1.99:anl-afp-22 Apparatus to simulate nuclear heating in advanced fuels. [LMFBR; UC-PuC; UN-PuN] 1
E 1.99:anl-afp-30 Breeding performance of carbide and nitride fuels in 2000 MWe LMFBRs a preliminary report. Part I. Assumptions, constraints and methodology. 1
E 1.99:anl-afp-31 Breeding performance of carbide and nitride fuels in 2000 MWe LMFBRs. Part IV impact of a pressure drop constraint on breeding performance and pin diameter optimization in 5000 MWt LMFBRs using sodium bonded carbide fuels. 1
E 1.99:anl-afp-32 Sensitivity of power peaking analysis to large reactor core modeling. [LMFBR] 1
E 1.99:anl-afp-36 Response matrix method for large LMFBR analysis 1
E 1.99:anl-afp-37 Core restraint performance of large heterogeneous reference cores 1
E 1.99:anl-afp--38 Properties of fuels for alternate breeder fuel cycles. 1
E 1.99:anl-afp-41 Comparison of carbide and oxide fuel-coolant interactions resulting from overpower transients. [LMFBR] 1
E 1.99:anl-afp--44 Approximate nuclear correlations for carbide-fueled LMFBR reactors. 1
E 1.99:anl-afp-46 Engineering analysis of mixed carbide fuels for large breeder reactors 1
E 1.99: (anl-ajd-248) The Lanthanum and Cerium Isotopes of Mass 137 1
E 1.99:anl-ajd--293 U<sup>235</sup> Fission Yields in the Rare Earth Region 1
E 1.99:anl/alcf-13/1 Argonne Leadership Computing Facility - 2013 Science Highlights 1
E 1.99:anl/alcf-14-3 LAMMPS strong scaling performance optimization on Blue Gene/Q 1
E 1.99:anl/alcf--15/1 2014 Annual Report - Argonne Leadership Computing Facility 1
E 1.99:anl/alcf--16/1 2015 Annual Report - Argonne Leadership Computing Facility 1
E 1.99:anl/alcf--16/2 2016 ALCF Science Highlights 1