Call Number (LC) Title Results
E 1.99:bdx-613-2848 Synthesis and characterization of diallyl phthalate prepolymers 1
E 1.99:bdx-613-2877 Preparation of diallyl phthalate prepolymer solutions 1
E 1.99:bdx-613-2973 Shelf life determination of an epoxy resin by accelerated aging 1
E 1.99:bdx--613-3147 Scale-up Synthesis of Diallyl Phthalate Prepolymer 1
E 1.99:bdx-613-3420 Stress relaxation of cellular silicone material 1984. 1
E 1.99:bec2f001-387f-4b70-9d84-b4b6c6bb198d CFD-Driven Optimization of a Bench-Scale Fluidized Bed Biomass Gasifier using MFiX-TFM and Nodeworks-OT 1
E 1.99:bead-tracking toolbox for matlab Bead-Tracking Toolbox for MATLAB 1
E 1.99:beam Bellerophon Environment for Analysis of Materials (BEAM) 1
E 1.99:beam propagator Beam Propagator for Weather Radars, Modules 1 and 2 1
E 1.99: beams--doc-4295 Local Longitudinal Microwave Instability Limits During Bunch Rotation 1
E 1.99: beams-doc-8837 Report on Single and Multiple Intrabeam Scattering Measurements in IOTA Ring in Fermilab 1
E 1.99:bec/isfp-79001 Transportation and storage of foreign spent power reactor fuel 1
E 1.99:becca v0.2 beta Brain-Emulating Cognition and Control Architecture (BECCA) v. 0.2 beta 1
E 1.99:beccav1.0 beta Brain-Emulating Cognition and Control Architecture (BECCA) V1.0 beta 1
E 1.99:becquerel becquerel (bq) v0.4.0 1
E 1.99:bee Build and Execute Environment 1
E 1.99:beeam BEEAM (Building Electrical Efficiency Analysis Model) 1
E 1.99:beesl--rp09302013 Virtual Design Studio (VDS) - Development of an Integrated Computer Simulation Environment for Performance Based Design of Very-Low Energy and High IEQ Buildings 1
E 1.99:befd7a0a-7585-458f-b15d-729b0563edb2 Impact of CO2 on the Evolution of Microbial Communities Exposed to Carbon Storage Conditions, Enhanced Oil Recovery, and CO2 Leakage 1
E 1.99: belle2-pub-ph-2018-001 The Belle II Physics Book 2