E 1.99:bn-sa--3677-hedr
Determination of the spatial resolution required for the HEDR dose code. Hanford Environmental Dose Reconstruction Project Dose code recovery activities, Calculation 007. |
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E 1.99:bn-sa-3677-hedr
Determination of the spatial resolution required for the HEDR dose code |
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E 1.99:bn-sa--3678-hedr
Determination of the feasibility of reducing the spatial domain of the HEDR dose code. Hanford Environmental Dose Reconstruction Project Dose code recovery activities, Calculation 006. |
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E 1.99:bn-sa-3678-hedr
Determination of the feasibility of reducing the spatial domain of the HEDR dose code |
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E 1.99:bn-sa--3679-hedr
Data model description for the DESCARTES and CIDER codes. Hanford Environmental Dose Reconstruction Project |
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E 1.99:bn-sa-3679-hedr
Data model description for the DESCARTES and CIDER codes |
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E 1.99:bn-sa--3680-hedr
Benchmarking studies for the DESCARTES and CIDER codes. Hanford Environmental Dose Reconstruction Project |
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E 1.99:bn-sa-3680-hedr
Benchmarking studies for the DESCARTES and CIDER codes |
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E 1.99:bn-sa--3681-hedr
Preliminary design studies for the DESCARTES and CIDER codes. Hanford Environmental Dose Reconstruction Project |
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E 1.99:bn-sa-3681-hedr
Preliminary design studies for the DESCARTES and CIDER codes |
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E 1.99:bn-sa--3682-hedr
Determination of the temporal resolution required for the HEDR dose code. Hanford Environmental Dose Reconstruction Project Dose code recovery activities, Calculation 008. |
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E 1.99:bn-sa-3682-hedr
Determination of the temporal resolution required for the HEDR dose code |
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E 1.99:bn-sa--3768-hedr
Determination of key radionuclides and parameters related to dose from the Columbia River pathway. Hanford Environmental Dose Reconstruction Project |
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E 1.99:bn-sa--3799-hedr
Software requirements specifications |
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E 1.99:bn-th-2008-12
Two-component spinor techniques and Feynman rules for quantum field theory and supersymmetry |
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E 1.99:bncc--16
Pressure drop characteristics of solid aluminum dummy patterns in K Zircaloy-2 process tube |
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E 1.99:bncc--34
NRD target support studies weekly report No. 3 |
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E 1.99:bncc--55
Preliminary analysis of K-Reactor downcomer approach section pressures during temperature transients |
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E 1.99:bncc--91
Letter to Mr. Frank Rom, National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, Ohio |
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E 1.99:bncc--98
Low-temperature hydriding of Zircaloy-2 |
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