Call Number (LC) Title Results
E 1.99:bnwl--1856 SNS source term evaluation program. Annual report 1
E 1.99:bnwl-1857 Technological considerations in emergency instrumentation preparedness. Phase II-C. Emergency radiological and meteorological instrumentation for fuel reprocessing facilities 1
E 1.99:bnwl--1858 Dose-to-the-population estimates for use of radioisotope powered cardiac pacemakers 1
E 1.99:bnwl-1859 Hanford wind survey 1
E 1.99:bnwl--1860 Radiological status of the groundwater beneath the Hanford reservation, January--December 1973 1
E 1.99:bnwl--1861 Waste treatment and handling processes. Annual report 1
E 1.99:bnwl--1862 Critical experiments benchmarks (Pu--U systems) 1
E 1.99:bnwl--1863 Transmission electron microscopy of plutonium 1
E 1.99:bnwl--1864 Evaluation of sensors for simulator annulus and related measurements in the plenum-fill experiment. Section I. Preliminary evaluation (7-1-74 to 8-20-74) 1
E 1.99:bnwl--1865 Pacific Northwest Laboratory monthly activities report, August 1974. Division of Production and Materials Management and Hanford Plant assistance programs 1
E 1.99:bnwl-1866 Economic impact of corrosion and scaling problems in geothermal energy systems 1
E 1.99:bnwl--1867 Ecological behavior of plutonium and americium in a freshwater ecosystem. Phase I. Limnological characterization and isotopic distribution 1
E 1.99:bnwl--1868 Pacific Northwest Laboratory monthly activities report, September 1974. Division of production and materials management and Hanford Plant assistance programs 1
E 1.99:bnwl--1869 Corrosion of mild steel tank liners exposed to simulated solidified alkaline high-level waste 1
E 1.99:bnwl--1870 Bibliography effects of radiations on the lung with references through 1972. 1
E 1.99:bnwl--1871 Quarterly progress report research and development activities waste fixation program July through September 1974 1
E 1.99:bnwl--1875 Prediction of fission gas release from UO₂ fuel 1
E 1.99:bnwl--1876 Nuclear waste management and transportation quarterly progress report, July- -September 1974 1
E 1.99:bnwl--1877 Mammals of the Hanford reservation in relation to management of radioactive waste 1
E 1.99:bnwl-1878 Dry cooling tower program results of industrial contacts through August 1974. 1