Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
E 1.99: cebaf-r--93-001 | A brief summary on HMS optics and Hall C beamline instrumentation | 1 |
E 1.99: cebaf-r--94-001 | Slow beam raster system at CEBAF | 1 |
E 1.99: cebaf-r--94-002 | Superharp A wire scanner with absolute position readout for beam energy measurement at CEBAF. | 1 |
E 1.99: cebaf-r--94-004 |
Physicis of Q{sup 2}-dependence in the nucleoǹs G{sub 1}(x,Q{sup 2}) structure function sum rule Polarized photons for nuclear and particle physics Polarimetry in the few GeV region Solid polarized targets Measurements of the proton and neutron spin structure at SLAC Spin degrees of freedom in electromagnetic nuclear physics Spin dependent scattering and the quark content of nucleons Measurements of the g{sup p}{sub 1} spin structure function Polarized electron sources Electromagnetic spin structure response of nucleons in nuclei Spin polarization in electromagnetic physics at intermediate energies |
11 |
E 1.99:cebaf-r--95-001 |
Evidence for short range corelations from high Q{sup 2} (e,e{prime}) reactions Electromagnetic production of very light gluinos A detailed study of nucleon structure function in nuclei in the valence quark region Interactions of quarks and gluons with nuclei at intermediate energies CEBAF at higher energies and the kaon electromagnetic form factor Measurement of the pion form factor at higher energies On the A-dependence of {sigma}{sub L}/{sigma}{sub T} Skeletons in the shadow. Helicity non-conserving form factor of the proton Parity violation in deep inelastic scattering Issues in light meson spectroscopy The case for meson spectroscopy at CEBAF. Measuring spin-dependent structure functions at CEBAF Pion content of the nucleon in polarized semi-inclusive DIS Time reversal odd fragmentation functions in semi-inclusive deep inelastic lepton-hadron scattering New results in meson spectroscopy from the crystal barrel experiment A Tau-Charm Factory at CEBAF Color transparency after the NE18 and E665 experiments Outlook and perspectives at CEBAF. Medium modifications with recoil polarization Exclusive reactions at high Q{sup 2} with CEBAF at higher energies The charge form factor of pseudoscalar mesons in a relativistic constituent quark model Nucleon resonance electroproduction at high momentum transers Results from SLAC and suggestions for CEBAF. Form factors of the transitions {gamma}{sup *}{pi}{sup 0} {r_arrow} {gamma} and {gamma}{sup *}{eta}{r_arrow}{gamma} Measuring nuclear transparency from exclusive vector meson production in lepton-nucleus scattering Photoproduction of vector messons off nuclei Inelastic electron scattering from a moving nucleon Signatures for quark clustering in nuclei Color transparency effects in quasi-elastic nuclear reactions Problems in baryon spectroscopy Pion form factor Photoproduction of the eta prime meson in the effective Lagrangian approach Meson exchange and neutral weak currents Kaon electroproduction Excited baryon form-factors at high momentum transfer at CEBAF at higher energies Spectroscopy, scattering, and KK molecules Prospects for measuring G{sub M{sub N}} in CLAS with higher CEBAF beam energies Nonperturbative QCD and elastic processes at CEBAF energies Electroproduction of pseudoscalar mesons above the resonance region Death to perturbative QCD in exclusive processes? Exotic meson spectroscopy with CLAS Measurement of p({gamma}, p){pi}{sup 0} at higher energies CEBAF at higher energies Working group report on hadron spectroscopy and production. Solenoidal detectors in spectroscopy Using contour plots in elecgroproduction to examine regions in {epsilon}, Q{sup 2}, W space The Bloom-Gilman duality and leading logarithms Color transparency experiments at higher energies Inclusive and semi-inclusive deep inelastic scattering at CEBAF at higher energies Diffractive electroproduction of s{bar s} mesons off nuclei at CEBAF energies Photoproduction opportunities at CEBAF Meson spectroscopy and the physics of flying {phi}̀s. Spin O decay angular distribution for interfering mesons in electroproduction Exclusive experiment on nuclei with backward emitted particles by electron-nucleus collision in {approximately} 10 GeV energy range Elastic form factors at higher CEBAF energies Color coherent effects in (e,e{prime}N) and (e,e{prime}N,N(h)) processes at CEBAF Working group report on hadrons in the nuclear medium Nucleon-nucleon correlations and multiquark cluster effects in semi-inclusive deep inelastic lepton scattering off Sensitivity to properties of the phi-meson in the nucleon structure in the chiral soliton model Workshop on CEBAF at higher energies |
55 |
E 1.99:cebaf-th-88-01 | Scaling in electron scattering from a relativistic Fermi gas | 1 |
E 1.99:cebaf-th-88-33 | Models for Relativistic Coulomb Sum Rules Expansions in Moments of the Nuclear Momentum Density. | 1 |
E 1.99:cebaf-th-89-02 | An Introduction to the Quark Model for Baryons, Chapter in Modern Topics in Electron Scattering, by B. Frois, I. (EDT) Sick | 1 |
E 1.99:cebaf-th-89-04 | Can one observe the spin monopole resonance in 208? | 1 |
E 1.99:cebaf-th-89-05 | Magnetic form factors of the trinucleons | 1 |
E 1.99:cebaf-th-90-01 | Heavy Quark Symmetries in Form Factors at Large Recoil | 1 |
E 1.99:cebaf-th-90-02 | Many-Body Correlation Effects on the Longitudinal Response in the Quasielastic (e, e') Reaction | 1 |
E 1.99:cebaf-th-90-03 | Excited Charm Mesons in Semileptonic B Decay and their Contributions to a Bjorken Sum Rule | 1 |
E 1.99:cebaf-th-90-04 | Relativistic effects and relativistic methods | 1 |
E 1.99:cebaf-th-90-05 | Excited Charm Baryons in Semileptonic Lambda(sub)b Decay and their Contribution to a Bjorken Sum Rule | 1 |
E 1.99:cebaf-th-90-07 | Hadron Spectroscopy | 1 |
E 1.99:cebaf-th-90-08 | Quark Exchange Forces from a Heavy Quark Perspective | 1 |
E 1.99:cebaf-th-90-12 | Electron scattering from light nuclei | 1 |
E 1.99:cebaf-th-90-13 | Quenching of spin-dipole strength in 40Ca | 1 |
E 1.99:cebaf-th-90-14 | Covariant mean-field calculations of finite-temperature nuclear matter | 1 |