Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
E 1.99: conf-740504--2 | Instrumentation for granite test No. 1 | 1 |
E 1.99: conf-740509--2 | Low-temperature, thermal, and mechanical properties of polystyrene and polyethylene foams | 1 |
E 1.99: conf-740509--4 | Pool boiling heat transfer to liquid helium and liquid nitrogen in a nearly zero gravity environment | 1 |
E 1.99:conf-740509--5 | Superconducting toroidal magnets for fusion feasibility experiments and power reactors | 1 |
E 1.99:conf-740510--1 | Combined solvent extraction-liquid scintillation methods for radioassay of alpha emitters | 1 |
E 1.99: conf-740511--5 | SOUSA a root finder for nonlinear equations. | 1 |
E 1.99: conf-740512--1 | Computer generated movies another dimension in man-machine communications. | 1 |
E 1.99: conf-740512--2 | Applications of computer-generated perspective plots | 1 |
E 1.99: conf-740512--8 | Pattern recognition code for curved tracks in cylindrical spark chambers | 1 |
E 1.99:conf-740513- | Mineral cycling in southeastern ecosystems. Proceedings of a symposium held at Augusta, Georgia May 1--3, 1974 | 1 |
E 1.99: conf-740517--1 | Food plant selection by the migratory grasshopper (Melanoplus sanguinipes) within a cheatgrass community | 1 |
E 1.99: conf-740517--2 | Ferrofluid variable density separations | 1 |
E 1.99:conf--740520--1 | Social effects of nuclear power plants | 1 |
E 1.99: conf-740522--1 | Isabelle antiproton option | 1 |
E 1.99: conf-740522--2 |
Resonance crossing in a proton synchrotron application to ISABELLE Preliminary design considerations for the stage 1 PEP lattice |
2 |
E 1.99: conf-740522--3 | ISABELLE design study of intersecting storage accelerators | 1 |
E 1.99: conf-740522--4 | Beam loss in a coasting beam from a high order isolated resonance | 1 |
E 1.99: conf-740522--7 | Effect of the beam self-field on the transverse betatron oscillation frequency | 1 |
E 1.99: conf-740522--8 | Magnetic and thermal stability of superconducting accelerator magnets | 1 |
E 1.99: conf-740522--9 | Will negative hydrogen ion sources soon replace proton sources in high energy accelerators | 1 |