Call Number (LC) Title Results
E 1.99: conf-8409115-5 Development of corrective measures technology for shallow land burial facilities at arid sites 1
E 1.99:conf-8409115-14 Groundwater suppression and surface water diversion structures applied to closed shallow land burial trenches 1
E 1.99:conf-8409115-18 Shallow land burial technology humid. 1
E 1.99:conf-8409115-19 Application of pathways analyses for site performance prediction for the Gas Centrifuge Enrichment Plant and Oak Ridge Central Waste Disposal Facility 1
E 1.99:conf-8409115-absts Sixth annual DOE LLWMP Participants' Information Meeting 1
E 1.99:conf-8409116-2 NMR spectra of transient radicals 1
E 1.99: conf-8409118-1 Natural air motion and stratification in passive buildings 1
E 1.99: conf-8409118-2 Liquid convective diodes 1
E 1.99: conf-8409118-3 Potential performance benefits of advanced components and materials research 1
E 1.99: conf-8409118-4 Vapor phase heat transport systems 1
E 1.99: conf-8409118-5 Cooling load estimation methods 1
E 1.99: conf-8409122-1 Trends in ozone and temperature structure comparison of theory and measurements. 1
E 1.99: conf-8409127-1 Assessing various proposals for novel N-fertilizer supplies and for improving plant internal nutrient-use efficiency 1
E 1.99: conf-8409127-2 Root adaptations at stress levels of nitrate, phosphate, or both simultaneously 1
E 1.99: conf-8409127-3 Solution culture method for studying nutrient uptake and stress 1
E 1.99: conf-8409128-1 Three-dimensional hydrodynamic hot-spot 1
E 1.99:conf-8409129- Multiphoton processes conference proceedings. 1
E 1.99:conf-8409129--1 Photoionization of excited molecular states 1
E 1.99:conf-8409130-3 Amorphization of ceramics by ion beams 1
E 1.99:conf-8409130-5 Fundamental aspects on ion-beam surface modification defect production and migration processes. 1