Call Number (LC) Title Results
E 1.99:CONF-9604161--3 In situ measurement requirements for a solar probe 1
E 1.99:CONF-9604162--1 Status of ParaDyn DYNA3D for parallel computing. 1
E 1.99:CONF-9604163--1 Recent top quark physics results at the Tevatron 1
E 1.99:CONF-9604165--1 Improving work control systems The core team concept. 1
E 1.99:conf-9604167--vol.1 Copper Mountain conference on iterative methods Proceedings Volume 1.
Numerical conformal mapping methods for exterior and doubly connected regions
Nonsymmetric systems arising in the computation of invariant tori
A new Arnoldi approach for polynomial eigenproblems
A portable implementation of ARPACK for distributed memory parallel architectures
Fractal aspects and convergence of Newtoǹs method
Multisplitting for linear, least squares and nonlinear problems
Preconditioning cubic spline collocation method by FEM and FDM for elliptic equations
Preconditioning Chebyshev spectral methods by finite-element and finite-difference methods
Iterative solution of general sparse linear systems on clusters of workstations
Incomplete block factorization preconditioning for indefinite elliptic problems
Optimising a parallel conjugate gradient solver
An evaluation of parallel multigrid as a solver and a preconditioner for singular perturbed problems
A numerical method for finding sign-changing solutions of superlinear Dirichlet problems
Enhanced nonlinear iterative techniques applied to a non-equilibrium plasma flow
Parallel iterative solvers and preconditioners using approximate hierarchical methods
NITSOL A Newton iterative solver for nonlinear systems.
Parallelizable approximate solvers for recursions arising in preconditioning
New concurrent iterative methods with monotonic convergence
Solving block linear systems with low-rank off-diagonal blocks is easily parallelizable
Using sparse LU factorisation to precondition GMRES for a family of similarly structured matrices arising from process modelling
Comparison of different precondtioners for nonsymmtric finite volume element methods
Parallel preconditioning techniques for sparse CG solvers
Improving matrix-vector product performance and multi-level preconditioning for the parallel PCG package
Approximate inverse preconditioning of iterative methods for nonsymmetric linear systems
A multilevel method for conductive-radiative heat transfer
A block variant of the GMRES method on massively parallel processors
A deflation based parallel algorithm for spectral element solution of the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations
A combined modification of Newtoǹs method for systems of nonlinear equations
An efficient iterative method for the generalized Stokes problem
A necessary and sufficient symbolic condition for the existence of incomplete Cholesky factorization
Library designs for generic C++ sparse matrix computations of iterative methods
Preconditioning first and second kind integral formulations of the capacitance problem
Fast multigrid solution of the advection problem with closed characteristics
A numerical method for solving singular Dès
Iteration schemes for parallelizing models of superconductivity
Re-starting an Arnoldi iteration
Towards an ideal preconditioner for linearized Navier-Stokes problems
On preconditioning techniques for dense linear systems arising from singular boundary integral equations
MGLab3D An interactive environment for iterative solvers for elliptic PDEs in two and three dimensions.
Greeǹs function of Maxwell̀s equations and corresponding implications for iterative methods
Combined incomplete LU and strongly implicit procedure preconditioning
Iterative methods for symmetric ill-conditioned Toeplitz matrices
Least-squares methods involving the H{sup -1} inner product
First-order system least squares for the pure traction problem in planar linear elasticity
New iterative solvers for the NAG Libraries
First-order system least-squares for the Helmholtz equation
Fast wavelet based sparse approximate inverse preconditioner
Sparse matrix test collections
FOSLS (first-order systems least squares) An overivew.
A subspace preconditioning algorithm for eigenvector/eigenvalue computation
AZTEC A parallel iterative package for the solving linear systems.
Advanced incomplete factorization algorithms for Stiltijes matrices
Least-squares finite element discretizations of neutron transport equations in 3 dimensions
Iterative solution of high order compact systems
Student paper competition Splitting the determinants of upper Hessenberg matrices and the Hyman method.
Iterative least-squares solvers for the Navier-Stokes equations
First-order system least-squares for second-order elliptic problems with discontinuous coefficients Further results.
Matrix-dependent multigrid-homogenization for diffusion problems
Experiences with linear solvers for oil reservoir simulation problems
Convergence acceleration for time-independent first-order PDE using optimal PNB-approximations
Stable computation of generalized singular values
Multilevel solvers of first-order system least-squares for Stokes equations
Look-ahead procedures for Lanczos-type product methods based on three-term recurrences
Stable reduced-order models of generalized dynamical systems using coordinate-transformed Arnoldi algorithms
Hybrid Lanczos-type product methods
Iterative methods for compressible Navier-Stokes and Euler equations
An iteration for indefinite and non-symmetric systems and its application to the Navier-Stokes equations
Truncation strategies for (nested) Krylov methods
Scalable implicit methods for reaction-diffusion equations in two and three space dimensions
Preconditioned Krylov subspace methods for eigenvalue problems
Solving modified systems with multiple right-hand sides
Thick restarting of the Davidson method An extension to implicit restarting.
Perturbation of eigenvalues of preconditioned Navier-Stokes operators
Accelerated solution of non-linear flow problems using Chebyshev iteration polynomial based RK recursions
A superlinear convergence estimate for an iterative method for the biharmonic equation
Generalized quasi variational inequalities
Triangular preconditioners for saddle point problems with a penalty term
New parallel SOR method by domain partitioning
An adaptation of Krylov subspace methods to path following
Approximate Schur complement preconditioning of the lowest order nodal discretizations
Method of lines solution of Richards̀ equation
Newtoǹs iteration for inversion of Cauchy-like and other structured matrices
A numerical method for eigenvalue problems in modeling liquid crystals
A new adaptive GMRES algorithm for achieving high accuracy
E 1.99:conf-9604167--vol.2 The BL-QMR algorithm for non-Hermitian linear systems with multiple right-hand sides
Copper Mountain conference on iterative methods Proceedings Volume 2.
Representation of discrete Steklov-Poincare operator arising in domain decomposition methods in wavelet basis
Newton-Krylov-Schwarz methods in unstructured grid Euler flow
A unidirectional approach for d-dimensional finite element methods for higher order on sparse grids
Conjugate gradient algorithms using multiple recursions
Sparse and parallel BLAS
Iterative methods for the solution of very large complex symmetric linear systems of equations in electrodynamics
Threshold partitioning of sparse matrices and applications to Markov chains
State space orderings for Gauss-Seidel in Markov chains revisited
Iterative methods for solving Ax=b, GMRES/FOM versus QMR/BiCG
Schwarz-based algorithms for compressible flows
Newton-Krylov-Schwarz algorithms for the 2D full potential equation
Iterative solution of the semiconductor device equations
Numerical solution of High-kappa model of superconductivity
Lattice QCD computations Recent progress with modern Krylov subspace methods.
Some nonlinear space decomposition algorithms
Multiple solutions to dense systems in radar scattering using a preconditioned block GMRES solver
Two-level method with coarse space size independent convergence
Galerkin projection methods for solving multiple related linear systems
Multigrid on unstructured grids using an auxiliary set of structured grids
Generalized subspace correction methods
Frequency filtering decompositions for unsymmetric matrices and matrices with strongly varying coefficients
Matrix equation decomposition and parallel solution of systems resulting from unstructured finite element problems in electromagnetics
A multigrid solution method for mixed hybrid finite elements
Some uses of the symmetric Lanczos algorithm - and why it works!
A mixed finite element domain decomposition method for nearly elastic wave equations in the frequency domain
On the multi-level solution algorithm for Markov chains
Nonlinear Krylov acceleration of reacting flow codes
Domain decomposition methods for mortar finite elements
Substructuring by Lagrange multipliers for solids and plates
Adaptive parallel multigrid for Euler and incompressible Navier-Stokes equations
Extended Krylov subspaces approximations of matrix functions. Application to computational electromagnetics
Iterative methods for weighted least-squares
The impact of improved sparse linear solvers on industrial engineering applications
Some multigrid algorithms for SIMD machines
Multiscale iterative methods, coarse level operator construction and discrete homogenization techniques
Multigrid solution of incompressible turbulent flows by using two-equation turbulence models
An adaptive nonlinear solution scheme for reservoir simulation
The development of an algebraic multigrid algorithm for symmetric positive definite linear systems
Multigrid for the Galerkin least squares method in linear elasticity The pure displacement problem.
Iterative solution of the Helmholtz equation
Highly indefinite multigrid for eigenvalue problems
An iterative method to invert the LTSn matrix
Iterative procedures for wave propagation in the frequency domain
Semi-coarsening multigrid methods for parallel computing
Domain decomposition method for nonconforming finite element approximations of anisotropic elliptic problems on nonmatching grids
Multilevel local refinement and multigrid methods for 3-D turbulent flow
Simplified approaches to some nonoverlapping domain decomposition methods
A multigrid method for variational inequalities
Multigrid method applied to the solution of an elliptic, generalized eigenvalue problem
Application of spectral Lanczos decomposition method to large scale problems arising geophysics
Krylov subspace acceleration of waveform relaxation
The adaptive CCCG({eta}) method for efficient solution of time dependent partial differential equations
Analysis of generalized Schwarz alternating procedure for domain decomposition
Iterative solution of multiple radiation and scattering problems in structural acoustics using the BL-QMR algorithm
Extended abstract Partial row projection methods.
Multigrid solution of the convection-diffusion equation with high-Reynolds number
Applications of implicit restarting in optimization and control Dan Sorensen
Adaptive mesh refinement and multilevel iteration for multiphase, multicomponent flow in porous media
Projection preconditioning for Lanczos-type methods
Numerical computation of the linear stability of the diffusion model for crystal growth simulation
Embedding SAS approach into conjugate gradient algorithms for asymmetric 3D elasticity problems
E 1.99:CONF-9604171--1 Shell model Monte Carlo methods 1
E 1.99:CONF-9604171--2 Nucleon-nucleon interactions 1
E 1.99: conf-9604173--1 Neutron and proton therapy in the treatment of cancer 1
E 1.99:CONF-9604175--1 The role of phase space in complex fragment emission from low to intermediate energies 1
E 1.99:CONF-9604177--1 Nadaraya-Watson estimator for sensor fusion problems 1
E 1.99:CONF-9604179--1 Physics in the fast lane rotors, fast ions and mobile fermions. 1
E 1.99:CONF-9604189-- Proceeding of the exotic nuclei symposium 1
E 1.99:CONF-9604193--1 The Energy-Related Inventions Program Evaluation challenges and solutions. 1
E 1.99:CONF-9604194--1 Approaches for preventing and mitigating accidental gaseous chemical releases 1
E 1.99:CONF-9604194--2 Evaluator/controller practicum for US Department of Energy emergency exercises 1
E 1.99:CONF-9604197--1 The evolution of teleoperated manipulators at ORNL 1
E 1.99: conf-9604212--1 Report on the design of freeze protection for Hanford nuclear reservation fire suppression systems 1
E 1.99:CONF-9604214--1 Deterrence, disarmament, and post-cold war stability Enhancing security for both ̀̀haves̀̀ and ̀̀have nots̀̀ 1
E 1.99:CONF-9604215--1 Mining scientific data archives through metadata generation 1