Call Number (LC) Title Results
E 1.99:conf-9611132--proc Environmental controls Market incentives v. direct regulation.
Transportation energy trends and issues through 2030
SO{sub 2} trading program as a metaphor for a competitive electric industry
Transportation and the marketplace
Renewable energy resources in a restructured electric industry
Energy and environmental policy in a competitive marketplace The role of the national labs.
Energy prices and public policy Back to the future...not!
Energy efficiency in passenger transportation What the future may hold.
Convergence Computing and communications.
Outlook for alternative transportation fuels
Update of national ozone study Where are we now?
Ethanol from biomass A status report.
Illinois task force on global climate change
The status of electric industry restructuring
National policy in a deregulated marketplace
E 1.99:CONF-9611133--1 Energy-efficient buildings Does the marketplace work? 1
E 1.99: conf-9611133--2 Neutron and Raman scattering studies of surface adsorbed molecular vibrations and bulk phonons in ZrO₂ nanoparticles 1
E 1.99: conf-9611133--3 Structural phase transitions and lean NO removal activity of copper-modified alumina 1
E 1.99: conf-9611133--4 Dynamic response of physisorbed hydrogen molecules on lanthanide-modified zirconia nanoparticles 1
E 1.99:CONF-9611134--1 EEG and MEG source localization using recursively applied (RAP) MUSIC 1
E 1.99:CONF-9611134--2 Dispersive wave processing a model-based solution. 1
E 1.99:CONF-9611138-- Compendium of equations for the design of a very large hadron collider
Conclusions of the workshop
Design considerations and expectations of a very large hadron collider
Trading studies of a very large hadron collider
E 1.99:CONF-9611138--2 Superconducting magnets 1
E 1.99:CONF-9611138--3 Beam tube vacuum in 100 TeV hadron colliders 1
E 1.99:CONF-9611139--1 Long-term tradeoffs between nuclear- and fossil-fuel burning 1
E 1.99: conf-9611139--2 Boron neutron capture therapy of malignant brain tumors at the Brookhaven Medical Research Reactor 1
E 1.99: conf-9611139--3 Energy technology progress for sustainable development 1
E 1.99:CONF-9611142--1 The Landauer resistance and band spectra for the counting quantum Turing machine 1
E 1.99:CONF-9611142--2 Hamiltonian models of quantum computers which evolve quantum ballistically 1
E 1.99: conf-9611143--1 Legacies of the recent past The built environment at Los Alamos National Laboratory, New Mexico. 1
E 1.99:CONF-9611144--1 ATS materials support 1
E 1.99:CONF-9611146--1 Determining constants in Shor̀s discrete log algorithm over Zp 1
E 1.99: conf-9611151-- US country studies program Support for climate change studies, national plans, and technology assessments.
US initiative on joint implementation An overview.
Methane recovery from landfill in China
Potential options to reduce GHG emissions in Venezuela
Urban trees and light-colored surfaces as a climate change strategy Results from the US and potential in developing countries.
Development of the mitigation plan for Slovakia energy sector
Traffic improvement and transportation pollution control in Xiamen
Estimating energy intensity and CO{sub 2} emission reduction potentials in the manufacturing sectors in Thailand
The framework convention on climate change a convention for sustainable energy development
Potential GHG mitigation options for agriculture in China
GHG emission mitigation measures and technologies in the Czech Republic
Mitigation of carbon dioxide from the Indonesia energy system
Renewable energy development in China Resource assessment, technology status, and greenhouse gas mitigation potential.
Programs and measures to reduce GHG emissions in agriculture and waste treatment in Slovakia
Issues in developing a mitigation strategy for Bangladesh
US country studies program Results from mitigation studies.
Understanding the nature of methane emission from rice ecosystems as basis of mitigation strategies
Assessment of the mitigation options in the energy system in Bulgaria
Development of natural gas vehicles in China
Brief introduction of GEF efficient industrial boiler project in China
Mitigation technologies and measures in energy sector of Kazakstan
Assessment of GHG mitigation technology measures in Ukraine
Results of German support programme to implement the UN FCCC
Energy strategy and mitigation potential in energy sector of the Russian federation
Scenarios of energy demand and efficiency potential for Bulgaria
Energy-saving options for the mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions from the Mongolian energy sector
A new mechanism for energy conservation technology services
Mitigation options for the industrial sector in Egypt
Evaluation of methane emissions of some rice cultivars of Sri Lanka
Compressed natural gas vehicles motoring towards a green Beijing
Strategies to address climate change in central and Eastern Euopean countries
Priority mitigation measures in non-energy sector in Kazakstan
Mitigation measures and programs in Hungary
Renewable energy development in China
Mitigation assessment results and priorities in China
Scenarios of forestry carbon sequestration measures in the Russian Federation and priorities for action plan
Photovoltaic rural electrification
Renewable energy project development
Overview of mitigation policies and measures in the forestry sector
Exploiting coalbed methane and protecting the global environment
Additionality of global benefits and financial additionality in the context of the AIJ negotiations
The role of forestry development in China in alleviating greenhouse effects
GEF climate change operational strategy Whither UNDP?
Asian success stories in promoting energy efficiency in industry and building
CO{sub 2}-mitigation measures through reduction of fossil fuel burning in power utilities. Which road to go?
Address to the international workshop on greenhouse gas mitigation, technologies and measures
Rural electric energy services in China Implementing the renewable energy challenge.
National technology needs assessment for the preparation and implementation of climate change action plans
Project identification for methane reduction options
Greenhouse gas mitigation options in the forestry sector of The Gambia Analysis based on COMAP model.
Efficiency improvement of thermal coal power plants
Overview of mitigation policies and measures in transportation
Energy conservation technologies based on thermodynamic principles
Strategies for development and CO2 abatement in Chinàs power industry
Green lights program in China
International workshop on greenhouse gas mitigation technologies and measures Proceedings.
Climate protection in Germanỳs bilateral development co-operation with the Peoplès Republic of China
Status of national CO{sub 2}-mitigation projects and initiatives in the Philippine energy sector
Greenhouse gases mitigation options and strategies for Tanzania
Mitigation options for methane emissions from rice fields in the Philippines
E 1.99:CONF-9611152*-- Low-cost multi-terrain autonomous vehicle for hostile environments 1