Call Number (LC) Title Results
E 1.99:coo--2835-2 Characterization Study of an Electric Motor-Transmission System for Electric Vehicles 1
E 1.99:coo--2835-3 An Advanced Electric Motor-Transmission for Electric Vehicles 1
E 1.99:coo-2835-5 Eight-stage steam turbine rotor dynamics analysis. Technical report No. 78TR13 1
E 1.99:coo-2836-1 Investigation on the pulmonary effects of intermetallic beryllium compounds. Progress report, January 1--December 31, 1976. [Copper, tantalum, and niobium beryllides] 1
E 1.99:coo--2837-3 Stereolectronic properties of aggregate chlorophyll systems. Progress report, January 1--December 31, 1977 1
E 1.99:coo--2837-5 Stereoelectronic properties of aggregated chlorophyll systems 1
E 1.99:coo-2838-1 Feasibility demonstration of the Sperry down-well pumping system. Final report 1
E 1.99:coo-2839-1 Heat pipe central solar receiver. Semiannual progress report, March 1, 1976--August 31, 1976 1
E 1.99:coo--2839-2 Heat pipe central solar receiver. Semiannual progress report, September 1, 1976--May 31, 1977 1
E 1.99:coo--2839-3(vol.1) Heat pipe central solar receiver. Volume I. Final technical report 1
E 1.99:coo-2839-3(vol.2) Conceptual design of a heat pipe solar receiver gas turbine plant. Final report 1
E 1.99:coo-2840-11 Cupolas minimize the energy required to melt ferrous alloys 1
E 1.99:coo-2841-1 VHTR engineering design study intermediate heat exchanger program. Final report. 1
E 1.99:coo-2841-2 Duplex tube steam reformer development program 1
E 1.99:coo-2843-t1 Implementation of a statewide energy code for buildings. Final report 1
E 1.99:coo--2845-77/1 Two component thermal storage material study, Phase 2. Interim progress report, June 1976--December 1976 1
E 1.99:coo-2845-78/2 Two component thermal storage material study phase II. Final report 1
E 1.99:coo--2846-1 Wind turbine generator siting and TV reception handbook. Technical report No. 1 1
E 1.99:coo--2846-76/1 TV and FM interference by windmills. Final report, 1 January 1976--21 December 1976 1
E 1.99:coo-2848-1 Spin Flip Raman Laser studies. Technical progress report, January 1, 1976--December 31, 1976 1