Call Number (LC) Title Results
E 1.99:coo--3278-21 Growth and dissipation of phytoplankton in Chesapeake Bay. III. Inorganic carbon requirements of natural populations and laboratory cultures of phytoplankton 1
E 1.99:coo--3278-22 Limitations of the in vivo chlorophyll a fluorescence technique 1
E 1.99:coo--3278-23 Comparative study of primary production and standing crops of phytoplankton in a portion of the upper Chesapeake Bay subsequent to tropical storm Agnes 1
E 1.99:coo--3278-24 Measurements of absolute scalar irradiance spectra in Rhode River 1
E 1.99:coo--3278-27 Phytoplankton growth, dissipation, and succession in estuarine environments. Progress report, 3 year period through April 1974 1
E 1.99:coo--3278-29 Dinoflagellate accumulations in Chesapeake Bay 1
E 1.99:coo-3278-30 Progress report, August 1, 1974--May 31, 1975 1
E 1.99:coo-3278-35 Phytoplankton growth, dissipation, and succession in estuarine environments. [Chesapeake Bay] 1
E 1.99:coo-3278-t1 Phytoplankton growth, dissipation, and succession in estuarine environments. Renewal proposal and annual summary report, August 1, 1977--July 31, 1978 1
E 1.99:coo--3279-3 ECOLOGY OF THE PLANKTON OF THE CHESAPEAKE BAY ESTUARY. Progress Report, December 1, 1970--August 31, 1972. 1
E 1.99:coo--3279-6 Ecology of the plankton of the Chesapeake Bay estuary. Progress report, September 1, 1972--June 30, 1973 1
E 1.99:coo--3279-7 Ecology of the plankton of the Chesapeake Bay estuary. Progress report, July 1, 1973--July 31, 1974 1
E 1.99:coo--3279-11 Phytoplankton utilization of nitrate, nitrite, ammonium, and urea nitrogen in the Chesapeake Bay 1
E 1.99:coo-3279-12 Uptake and release of phosphorus by phytoplankton in the Chesapeake Bay estuary. [³²P tracer studies] 1
E 1.99:coo-3279--13 Selective Feeding, Ingestion and Assimilation Rates, and Distribution of the Copepod ACARTIA in Chesapeake Bay 1
E 1.99:coo-3279-16 Ecology of the plankton of the Chesapeake Bay. Progress report, 1 August 1974--31 July 1975. [¹⁴C and ¹⁵N tracer studies] 1
E 1.99:coo-3279-17 Processes affecting the transport of materials from continents to oceans 1
E 1.99:coo-3279-18 Phosphorus dynamics in some coastal plain estuaries 1
E 1.99:coo-3279-19 Model for the control of dissolved manganese in the interstitial waters of Chesapeake Bay 1