Call Number (LC) Title Results
E 1.99:coo--2482-3 Remote sensing of geological structure via analysis of the inverse problem in acoustics and electromagnetics. Progress report 1
E 1.99:coo--2482-4 Physical optics far field inverse scattering in the time domain 1
E 1.99:coo--2482-5 Inverse problems in remote sensing. Progress report 1
E 1.99:coo-2482-6 Inverse problems in remote sensing. Progress report 1
E 1.99:coo-2482-8 Note of non-destructive detection of voids by a high frequency inversion technique 1
E 1.99:coo-2482-9 Direct methods for seismic profiling 1
E 1.99:coo-2482-10 Construction of well-conditioned systems for Fredholm I problems by mesh adapting 1
E 1.99:coo-2482-13 Direct methods for seismic profiling. Final report 1
E 1.99:coo--2483--10 Connecticut seismic network studies. Technical progress report, 1 July 1974--30 June 1975 1
E 1.99:coo--2484-3 Study of seismicity and tectonics in New England. Second quarterly report, November 1, 1974--January 31, 1975 1
E 1.99:coo-2484-5 Study of seismicity and tectonics in New England. Fourth quarterly report, May 1, 1975--July 31, 1975 1
E 1.99:coo--2486-341 Annual report for period ending 30 April 1975 1
E 1.99:coo-2486-365 Investigations of the biological effects of radiation a multi-discipline approach. Progress report, May 1, 1975--July 31, 1976. 1
E 1.99:coo-2486-366 Investigations of the biological effects of radiation a multi-discipline approach. Progress report, September 1, 1976--August 31, 1977. 1
E 1.99:coo-2486-369 DNA replication and the repair of DNA strand breaks in nuclei of Physarum polycephalum. Progress report, September 1, 1977--July 31, 1978. [Monel] 1
E 1.99:coo-2486-369-1 DNA replication and the repair of DNA strand breaks in nuclei of Physarum polycephalum. Terminal report, August 1, 1978-March 31, 1980 1
E 1.99:coo--2487-1 Feasibility study of a collaboration between the Laboratory for Nuclear Science and the Information Processing Center at MIT in joining the ARPA network. Progress report, July 15, 1974--July 14, 1975 1
E 1.99:coo-2487-3 Feasibility study of networks. Progress report, July 15, 1975--July 14, 1976 1
E 1.99:coo-2487-4 Feasibility study of networks. Progress report, July 15, 1976--December 14, 1976. [ARPANET] 1
E 1.99:coo-2487-5 Feasibility study of networks. Progress report, December 15, 1976--December 14, 1977. [Lab. for Nuclear Science, Massachusetts Inst. of Tech] 1