E 1.99:doe/ft/40615-1
Experimental and Theoretical Determination of Heavy Oil Viscosity Under Reservoir Conditions |
1 |
E 1.99:doe/ft/97278-1
Characterization of Phase and Emulsion Behavior, Surfactant Retention, and Oil Recovery for Novel Alcohol Ethoxycarboxylate Surfactant |
1 |
E 1.99:doe/ftr/go18013-1
High Efficiency Solar Power via Separated Photo and Voltaic Pathways |
1 |
E 1.99:doe-fugro--10160
Advanced Gas Hydrate Reservoir Modeling Using Rock Physics |
1 |
E 1.99:doe/fusrap--140-96-005
Environmental surveillance results for 1995 for the Hazelwood Interim Storage Site |
1 |
E 1.99:doe-fzj-0001621-final
Performance Refactoring of Instrumentation, Measurement, and Analysis Technologies for Petascale Computing the PRIMA Project. |
1 |
E 1.99:doe g 241.1-1a
Molecular Approaches to Understanding C & N Dynamics in MArine Sediments |
1 |
E 1.99:doe-g--430.1-2
Implementation guide for surveillance and maintenance during facility transition and disposition |
1 |
E 1.99:doe-g--430.1-3
Deactivation implementation guide |
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E 1.99:doe-g--430.1-4
Decommissioning implementation guide |
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E 1.99:doe-g--430.1-5
Transition implementation guide |
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E 1.99:DOE/G--440.1-2
Construction safety management guide for use with DOE Order 440.1 |
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E 1.99:DOE/G--440.1-3
Implementation guide for use with DOE Order 440.1 Occupational exposure assessment. |
1 |
E 1.99:DOE/G--440.1-6
Implementation guide for use with suspect/counterfeit items Requirements of DOE O 440.1, worker protection management; 10 CFR 830.120; and DOE 5700.6C, quality assurance. |
1 |
E 1.99:doe go10139
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E 1.99:doe/go102000-0775
Slab Insulation |
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E 1.99:doe/go102000-0790
Passive Solar Design |
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E 1.99:doe/go10430
Promotion of Efficient Use of Energy |
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E 1.99:doe go10517-5
Development of an Energy Efficient High temperature Natural Gas Fired Furnace |
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E 1.99:doe/go10521
Final Report, Distillation Column Flooding Predictor |
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