Call Number (LC) Title Results
E 1.99:doe/mc/14110-176 Alexandria fluidized-bed process development unit cold-mode testing. 1
E 1.99:doe/mc/14129-171 Pressurized fluidized-bed combustion part-load behavior. Volume I. Summary report 1
E 1.99:doe/mc/14141-1158 State-of-the-art review and report on critical aspects and scale-up considerations in the design of fluidized-bed reactors. Final report on Phase 1 1
E 1.99:doe/mc/14143-t1 Measurements of microwave transmission characteristics through various configurations of fluidized bed materials 1
E 1.99:doe/mc/14255-1526 Evaluation of data gathered from unmineable coal seams. Final report 1
E 1.99:doe/mc/14266-t3 Coal materials handling classifier evaluation. Quarterly progress report, October-December 1980. 1
E 1.99:doe/mc/14322-1577 NYU-DOE Pressurized Fluidized Bed Combustor Facility 1
E 1.99:doe/mc/14361-t1 Empirical systems model of the Westinghouse fluidized-bed PDU coal gasifier. Task report No. 1 1
E 1.99:doe/mc/14372-6 Wastewater treatment train for fixed bed coal gasification. Semi-annual progress report, May 1-October 31, 1980 1
E 1.99:doe/mc/14380-t1 Prediction and measurement of optimum operating conditions for entrained coal gasification processes. Quarterly technical progress report, No. 1, 1 November 1979-31 January 1980 1
E 1.99:doe/mc/14384-1200 Liquid-phase methanation/shift process development. Final technical report, September 1, 1980-November 30, 1981 1
E 1.99:doe/mc/14384-t1 Liquid-phase methanation/shift process development. First quarterly progress report, September 1-November 30, 1980 1
E 1.99:doe/mc/14394-1365 Shallow seismic investigations of Devonian-shale gas production 1
E 1.99:doe/mc/14395-t1 Investigation of carbon-formation mechanisms and fuel-conversion rates in the adiabatic reformer. Annual report, March 19, 1980-March 19, 1981 1
E 1.99:doe/mc/14400-06 Development of Beacon technology. Quarterly report, July-September 1981 1
E 1.99:doe/mc/14400-1551 Development of BEACON technology. Volume I. Final report, April 1980-April 1983 1
E 1.99:doe/mc/14400-1603 Development of BEACON technology. Quarterly report, October-December 1981 1
E 1.99:doe/mc/14400-1604 Development of BEACON technology. Quarterly report, January-March 1982 1
E 1.99:doe/mc/14400-1605 Development of BEACON technology. Quarterly report, April-June 1982 1
E 1.99:doe/mc/14400-1606 Development of BEACON technology. Quarterly report, July-September 1982 1