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High-Pressure Thermodynamic Properties of f-electron Metals, Transition Metal Oxides, and Half-Metallic Magnets |
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University Research Program in Robotics - "Technologies for Micro-Electrical-Mechanical Systems in directed Stockpile Work (DSW) Radiation and Campaigns", Final Technical Annual Report, Project Period 9/1/06 - 8/31/07 |
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Picosecond Soft-X-ray studies of Dense Plasma Regimes Progress Report (April 1, 2006 - March 31, 2007) |
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Fast Laser Excitation and Ultrahigh Strain-Rate Deformation |
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Electromagnetic and Hadron Calorimeters in the MIPP Experiment |
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Nuclear Stewardship Research. |
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Thermoelasticity of SSP Materials An Integrated Ultrasonic and X-radiation Study. |
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Marketing Strategy and Implementation |
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Responding to Terrorist Incidents in Your Community Flammable-Liquid Fire Fighting Techniques for Municipal and Rural Firefighters. |
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Nuclear Fabrication Consortium |
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NEET-AMM Final Technical Report on Laser Direct Manufacturing (LDM) for Nuclear Power Components |
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Ferritic Alloys as Accident Tolerant Fuel Cladding Material for Light Water Reactors |
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Solid Rocket Propellant Fires Characterization, Final Scientific/Technical Report for 8 May 2014 through 4 October 2017 |
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Assessment of Aging Degradation Mechanisms of Alloy 709 for Sodium Fast Reactors. |
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Reactor Sharing at Rensselaer Critical Facility |
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Development of a Low Cost 10kW Tubular SOFC Power System |
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Advanced Gasification Mercury/Trace Metal Control with Monolith Traps |
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Bi-Directional DC-DC Converter for PHEV Applications |
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Light Duty Efficient, Clean Combustion |
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2015 Stewardship Science Academic Programs Annual |
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