E 1.99:doe/pc/70023--t6
Micelle-derived catalysts for extended Schulz-Flory. Technical progress report, October 1, 1985--12/31/85 |
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E 1.99:doe/pc/70023-t6
Micelle-derived catalysts for extended Schulz-Flory |
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E 1.99:doe/pc/70023--t7
Micelle-derived catalysts for extended Schulz-Flory. [Quarterly report], January 1, 1986--March 31, 1986 |
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E 1.99:doe/pc/70023-t7
Micelle-derived catalysts for extended Schulz-Flory |
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E 1.99:doe/pc/70023--t8
Micelle-derived catalysts for extended Schulz-Flory. [Quarterly report], April 1, 1986--June 30, 1986 |
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E 1.99:doe/pc/70023-t8
Micelle-derived catalysts for extended Schulz-Flory |
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E 1.99:doe/pc/70023--t9
Micelle-derived catalysts for extended Schulz-Flory. Technical progress report, July 1, 1986--September 30, 1986 |
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E 1.99:doe/pc/70023-t9
Micelle-derived catalysts for extended Schulz-Flory |
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E 1.99:doe/pc/70024-t9
Synthesis gas solubility in Fischer-Tropsch slurry Final report. |
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E 1.99:doe/pc/70027-10
Hydrodynamics of Fischer-Tropsch synthesis in slurry bubble column reactors Final report. |
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E 1.99:doe/pc/70029-t1
Mechanism of promotion of iron Fischer-Tropsch catalysts Final report. |
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E 1.99:doe/pc/70029-t2
Fischer-Tropsch quarterly report for period ending January 31, 1986 |
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E 1.99:doe/pc/70029-t3
Mechanism of promotion of iron Fischer-Tropsch catalysts Quarterly report for period ending June 30, 1986. |
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E 1.99:doe/pc/70029-t4
Mechanism of promotion of iron Fischer-Tropsch catalysts Quarterly report for the period ending September 30, 1986) Applications of /sup 14/C tracer techniques to the study of reactions occurring over iron-based Fischer-Tropsch catalysts. |
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E 1.99:doe/pc/70029-t5
Mechanism of promotion of iron Fischer-Tropsch catalysts Quarterly report for the period ending December 30, 1986. |
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E 1.99:doe/pc/70029-t6
Mechanism of promotion of iron Fischer-Tropsch catalysts Quarterly report for the period ending March 31, 1987. |
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E 1.99:doe/pc/70029-t8
Mechanism of promotion of iron Fischer-Tropsch catalysts Quarterly report for the period ending June 30, 1987 Fischer-Tropsch synthesis Comparison of product selectivity and /sup 14/C labeled ethanol incorporation at one and seven atmosphere conditions. |
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E 1.99:doe/pc/70029-t9
Mechanism of promotion of iron Fischer-Tropsch catalysts Quarterly report for period ending March 31, 1986. |
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E 1.99:doe/pc/70512-16
Develop and test an internally cooled, cabled superconductor (ICCS) for large scale MHD magnets |
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E 1.99:doe/pc/70765-t1
Program of basic research on the preparation and stability of coal/water slurries. Quarterly report, June 30, 1984 |
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