Call Number (LC) Title Results
E 1.99:DOE/PC/91305--16 Characterization of porosity via secondary reactions. Quarterly technical progress report, 1 July 1995--1 October 1995 1
E 1.99:doe/pc/91305--t2 Characterization of porosity via secondary reactions. Final technical report, 1 September 1991--30 November 1995 1
E 1.99:doe/pc/91306--1 Sorption and chemical transformation of PAHs on coal fly ash. Technical progress report No. 1, [October--December 1991] 1
E 1.99:doe/pc/91306-1 Sorption and chemical transformation of PAHs on coal fly ash 1
E 1.99:doe/pc/91306--3 Sorption and chemical transformation of PAHs on coal fly ash. Technical progress report No. 3, May 1--July 31, 1992 1
E 1.99:doe/pc/91306-3 Sorption and chemical transformation of PAHs on coal fly ash 1
E 1.99:doe/pc/91306-4 Sorption and chemical transformation of PAHs on coal fly ash 1
E 1.99:doe/pc/91306--4 Sorption and chemical transformation of PAHs on coal fly ash. Annual technical progress report No. 4, [November 1, 1991--October 31, 1992] 1
E 1.99:doe/pc/91306--5 Sorption and chemical transformation of PAHs on coal fly ash. Technical progress report No. 5, [November 1, 1992--January 31, 1993] 1
E 1.99:doe/pc/91306--7 Sorption and chemical transformation of PAHs on coal fly ash. Technical progress report No. 7, [May--July 1993] 1
E 1.99:doe/pc/91306--10 Sorption and chemical transformation of PAHs on coal fly ash. Technical progress report No. 10, February 1--April 30, 1994 1
E 1.99:DOE/PC/91306--14 Sorption and chemical transformation of PAH̀s on coal fly ash 1
E 1.99:doe/pc/91306--t1 Sorption and chemical transformation of PAHs on coal fly ash. Technical progress report No. 8 1
E 1.99:DOE/PC/91306--T2 Sorption and chemical transformation of PAHs on coal fly ash. Final technical report 1
E 1.99:doe/pc/91307--10 Coal combustion Effect of process conditions on char reactivity. Ninth quarterly technical report, September 1, 1992--December 1, 1993. 1
E 1.99:doe/pc/91307--t1 Coal combustion Effect of process conditions on char reactivity. Quarterly technical report, September 1, 1991--December 1, 1991. 1
E 1.99:doe/pc/91307-t1 Coal combustion Effect of process conditions on char reactivity. 1
E 1.99:doe/pc/91307--t11 Coal combustion Effect of process conditions on char reactivity. Tenth quarterly technical report, December 1, 1993--March 1, 1994. 1
E 1.99:DOE/PC/91307--T13 Coal combustion Effect of process conditions on char reactivity. Quarterly technical report, January 1, 1995--March 31, 1995. 1
E 1.99:doe/pc/91307--t14 Coal combustion Effect of process conditions on char reactivity. Quarterly technical report, October 1, 1994--December 31, 1994. 1