Call Number (LC) Title Results
E 1.99:doe/rw--0307p Site characterization progress report Yucca Mountain, Nevada, April 1, 1990--September 30, 1990, Number 3; Nuclear Waste Policy Act (Section 113) 1
E 1.99:doe/rw--0307p-4 Site characterization progress report Yucca Mountain, Nevada, October 1, 1990--March 31, 1991; Number 4. 1
E 1.99:doe/rw--0307p-5 Site characterization progress report Yucca Mountain, Nevada, April 1, 1991--September 30, 1991, Number 5; Nuclear Waste Policy Act (Section 113) 1
E 1.99:doe/rw--0307p-6 Progress report on the scientific investigation program for the Nevada Yucca Mountain Site, October 1, 1991--March 31, 1992, Number 6 1
E 1.99:doe/rw--0307p-7 Site characterization progress report Yucca Mountain, Nevada, April 1, 1992--September 30, 1992, Number 7. 1
E 1.99:doe/rw--0310p Radioactive waste management system Project Decision Schedule; Revision 1. 1
E 1.99:doe/rw--0313p Yucca Mountain Site Characterization Project Plan 1
E 1.99:doe/rw--0316p Draft Mission Plan Amendment 1
E 1.99:doe/rw--0318 Strategic principles workshops Discussion drafts and workshop notes. 1
E 1.99:doe/rw-0332p Draft strategy for OCRWM to provide training assistance to state, tribal, and local governments 1
E 1.99:doe/rw-0333p Quality Assurance Requirements and Description for the Civilian Radioactive Waste Management Program, REV 10 and Addendum 1 Rev 0 1
E 1.99:doe/rw-0333p, rev. 11 Quality Assurance Requirements and Description 1
E 1.99:doe/rw--0335p(1992) Annual report to Congress 1
E 1.99:doe/rw--0345p DOÈs Yucca Mountain studies 1
E 1.99:DOE/RW-0346P Why are scientists studying Yucca Mountain? 1
E 1.99:doe/rw--0349p US Department of Energy Office of Civilian Radioactive Waste Management quarterly report on program cost and schedule; First quarter, FY 1992 1
E 1.99:doe/rw--0354p 1991 OCRWM bulletin compilation and index 1
E 1.99:doe/rw-0362-sr Science, society, and America's nuclear waste. [Contains glossary] 1
E 1.99:doe/rw--0365p Quarterly report on program cost and schedule; Second quarter FY 1992 1
E 1.99:doe/rw--0370 Quarterly report on program cost and schedule, third quarter FY 1992 1