E 1.99:doe/sf/11700-t1
Final phase testing and evaluation of the 500 kW direct contact pilot plant at East Mesa |
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E 1.99:doe/sf/11718-t1
Geothermal energy abstract sets. Special report No. 14 |
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E 1.99:doe/sf/11720-t1
Geothermal energy at Long Beach Naval Shipyard and Naval Station and at Seal Beach Naval Weapons Station, California. Final report |
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E 1.99:doe/sf/11720-t2
Reconnaissance of geothermal resources near US naval facilities in the San Diego area, California |
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E 1.99:doe/sf/11720-t3
Geothermal energy at Long Beach Naval Shipyard and Naval Station and at Seal Beach Naval Weapons Station, California. Final Report 1 |
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E 1.99:doe/sf/11721-t1
Heat-flow mapping at the Geysers Geothermal Field |
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E 1.99:doe/sf/11725-t1
Thermionic conversion reactor technology assessment. Final report |
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E 1.99:doe/sf/11727-t1
Federal geothermal royalty income derived from the benefits of government-sponsored R and D |
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E 1.99:doe/sf/11940-t1
Investigation into the feasibility of an air curtain for a solar central receiver. Final report |
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E 1.99:doe/sf/11956-1
Drilling and thermal gradient measurements at US Marine Corps Air Ground Combat Center, Twentynine Palms, California. Final report, October 1, 1983-March 31, 1984 |
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E 1.99:doe/sf/11958-t1
Municipal solid waste energy conversion study on Guam and American Samoa |
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E 1.99:doe/sf/12194-t1
Proposed resource evaluation plan. Salton Sea scientific drilling program |
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E 1.99:doe/sf/12196-9
Indications of mineral zoning in a fossil hydrothermal system at the Meager Creek geothermal prospect, British Columbia, Canada, from induced polarization studies |
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E 1.99:doe/sf/12196-23
Preliminary design for multi-array borehole electrical geophysical method |
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E 1.99:doe/sf/12197-1
Similarity considerations in one-component two-phase flow |
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E 1.99:doe/sf/12197-t1
Two phase flow in geothermal systems. Bi-monthly progress report, April 1-May 31, 1984 |
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E 1.99:doe/sf/12197-t3
Two-phase flow in geothermal systems. Bi-monthly progress report, October 1-November 30, 1984 |
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E 1.99:doe/sf/12197-t4
Two-phase flow in geothermal systems. Bi-monthly progress report, December 1, 1984-January 31, 1985 |
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E 1.99:doe/sf/12197-t5
Two phase flow in geothermal systems. Final report, April 1, 1984-March 31, 1985 |
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E 1.99:doe/sf/12198-t1
Theoretical and experimental studies of churn flow in vertical tubes. Final technical report |
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