Call Number (LC) Title Results
E 1.99:erda/jpl/954356-77/1 Dip coating process. Silicon sheet growth development for the large-area silicon sheet task of the Low Cost Silicon Solar Array Project. Quarterly report No. 5, December 18, 1976--March 21, 1977 1
E 1.99:erda/jpl/954356-77/2 Dip coating process. Silicon sheet growth development for the large-area silicon sheet task of the low-cost silicon solar array project. Quarterly report No. 6, March 22, 1977--June 24, 1977 1
E 1.99:erda/jpl/954356-77/3 Silicon on ceramic process. Silicon sheet growth development for the Large-Area Silicon Sheet Task of the Low-Cost Silicon Solar Array Project. Annual report No. 2, September 17, 1976--September 19, 1977 1
E 1.99:erda/jpl/954363-76/1 Phase I of the Automated Array Assembly Task of the Low Cost Silicon Solar Array Project. Motorola report No. 2258/1. Technical quarterly report No. 1 1
E 1.99:erda/jpl/954363-76/2 Phase I of the Automated Array Assembly Task of the Low Cost Silicon Solar Array Project. Technical quarterly report No. 2. Motorola report No. 2258/2 1
E 1.99:erda/jpl/954363-76/3 Phase I of the automated array assembly task of the low cost silicon solar array project. Technical quarterly report No. 3 1
E 1.99:erda/jpl/954363-77/1 Phase I of the automated array assembly task of the low cost silicon solar array project. Annual technical report. Motorola report No. 2258/4 1
E 1.99:erda/jpl/954372-76/1 Chemical vapor deposition growth. Quarterly report No. 1 1
E 1.99:erda/jpl/954372-76/2 Chemical vapor deposition growth. Quarterly report No. 2 1
E 1.99:erda/jpl/954372-76/3 Chemical vapor deposition growth. Annual report 1
E 1.99:erda/jpl/954372-77/1 Chemical vapor deposition growth. Quarterly report No. 3 1
E 1.99:erda/jpl/954372-77/2 Chemical vapor deposition growth. Quarterly report No. 4 1
E 1.99:erda/jpl-954373-75/1 Heat exchanger ingot casting/slicing process. Silicon sheet growth development for the large area silicon sheet task of the low cost silicon solar array project. First quarterly report, November 20, 1975--December 31, 1975. 1
E 1.99:erda/jpl/954373-76/1 Heat exchanger-ingot casting/slicing process. Silicon sheet growth development for the Large Area Silicon Sheet Task of the Low Cost Silicon Solar Array Project. Second quarterly progress report, January 1, 1976--March 31, 1976 1
E 1.99:erda/jpl/954373-76/3 Heat exchanger-ingot casting/slicing process. Silicon sheet growth development for the large area silicon sheet task of the low cost Silicon Solar Array Project. Third quarterly progress report, April 1, 1976--June 18, 1976 1
E 1.99:erda/jpl/954373-76/4 Heat Exchanger-Ingot Casting/Slicing Process. Silicon sheet growth development for the large area silicon sheet task of the Low Cost Silicon Solar Array Project. Fourth quarterly progress report, June 19, 1976--September 24, 1976 1
E 1.99:erda/jpl/954373-76/5 Heat exchanger-ingot casting/slicing process. Silicon sheet growth development for the large area silicon sheet task of the low cost silicon solar array project. Fifth quarterly progress report, September 25, 1976--December 16, 1976 1
E 1.99:erda/jpl/954373-77/2 Heat exchanger-ingot casting/slicing process. Silicon sheet growth development for the large area silicon sheet task of the low cost silicon solar array project. Seventh quarterly progress report, March 22, 1977--June 30, 1977 1
E 1.99:erda/jpl/954373-77/3 Heat exchanger-ingot casting/slicing process. Silicon Sheet Growth Development for the Large Area Silicon Sheet Task of the Low Cost Silicon Solar Array Project. Eighth quarterly progress report, July 1, 1977--September 30, 1977 1
E 1.99:erda/jpl/954373-77/6 Heat exchanger-ingot casting/slicing process. Silicon sheet growth development for the large area silicon sheet task of the Low Cost Silicon Solar Array Project. Sixth quarterly progress report, December 17, 1976--March 21, 1977 1