E 1.99:fermilab-conf-17-397-td
Applying Service-Oriented Architecture to Archiving Data in Control and Monitoring Systems |
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E 1.99:fermilab-conf-17-398-ad-apc
Muon Intensity Increase by Wedge Absorbers for Low-E Muon Experiments |
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E 1.99:fermilab-conf--17-405-cd
Experience in using commercial clouds in CMS |
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E 1.99:fermilab-conf--17-406-cd
A Conditions Data Management System for HEP Experiments |
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E 1.99:fermilab-conf--17-407-cd
Accessing Data Federations with CVMFS |
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E 1.99: fermilab-conf-17-421-td
Advancement in the Understanding of the Field and Frequency Dependent Microwave Surface Resistance of Niobium |
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E 1.99: fermilab-conf-17-423-cd
Parallelized Kalman-Filter-Based Reconstruction of Particle Tracks on Many-Core Processors and GPUs |
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E 1.99: fermilab-conf-17-428-ppd
Inclusive Search for Boosted Higgs Bosons Using H$ \rightarrow \mathrm{b\overline{b}}$ Decays with the CMS Experiment |
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E 1.99:fermilab-conf-17-429-ppd
Search for new resonances decaying into boosted W, Z and H bosons at CMS |
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E 1.99:fermilab-conf-17-431-t
Two Dimensional Super QCD on a Lattice |
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E 1.99:fermilab-conf-17-436-td
Operational Experience from LCLS-II Cryomodule Testing |
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E 1.99:fermilab-conf--17-437-cd
Python and HPC for High Energy Physics Data Analyses |
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E 1.99:fermilab-conf-17-438-cd
Progress of the Charged Pion Semi-Inclusive Neutrino Charged Current Cross Section in NOvA |
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E 1.99:fermilab-conf-17-439-apc
Investigation of Beam Emittance and Beam Transport Line Optics on Polarization |
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E 1.99: fermilab-conf-17-440-e
Automated Proton Track Identification in MicroBooNE Using Gradient Boosted Decision Trees |
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E 1.99:fermilab-conf-17-446-e
Extracting Neutrino Oscillation Parameters using a Simultaneous Fit of the $\nu_{e}$ Appearance and $\nu_{\mu}$ Disappearance Data in the NOvA Experiment |
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E 1.99:fermilab-conf-17-447-ppd
A Panel Prototype for the Mu2e Straw Tube Tracker at Fermilab |
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E 1.99: fermilab-conf-17-448-ae
Observing the Next Galactic Supernova with the NOvA Detectors |
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E 1.99: fermilab-conf-17-449-e
NOvA Short-Baseline Tau Neutrino Appearance Search |
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E 1.99:fermilab-conf-17-450-e
The Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment The precision era of neutrino physics. |
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