E 1.99:fermilab-conf-19-754-ad-ppd
The Data Quality Monitoring software for the CMS experiment at the LHC past, present and future. |
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New Insights in the Quench Mechanisms in Nitrogen Doped Cavities |
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New Insights on Nitrogen Doping |
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E 1.99:fermilab-conf-19-757-td
Performance of 112 MHz SRF Gun at BNL |
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Plasma Processing to Reduce Field Emission in LCLS-II 1.3 GHz SRF Cavities |
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E 1.99:fermilab-conf-19-759-td
Development of a Suspension System for the Road Transportation of Cryomodule SSR1 through a Multilevel Finite Element-Multibody Approach |
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E 1.99:fermilab-conf-19-760-ad-pip2-sqms-td
Overview of LCLS-II Project Status at Fermilab |
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E 1.99:fermilab-conf-19-761-td
Lessons Learned Assembling the SSR1 Cavities String for PIP-II |
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E 1.99:fermilab-conf-19-762-ad-sqms-td
Latest Progress in Designs and Testings of PIP-II Power Couplers |
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E 1.99:fermilab-conf-19-764-sqms-td
First Direct Imaging and Profiling TOF-SIMS Studies on Cutouts from Cavities Prepared by State-of-the-Art Treatments |
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E 1.99:fermilab-conf-19-765-td
Magnetic Field Induced by Thermo Electric Current in LCLS-II Cryomodules |
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Operation of an SRF Cavity Tuner Submerged into Liquid He |
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E 1.99:fermilab-conf-19-767-ad-pip2
Improvements to LCLS-II Cryomodule Transportation |
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E 1.99:fermilab-conf-19-768-sqms-td
Investigation of Frequency Behavior Near Tc of Niobium Superconducting Radio-Frequency Cavities |
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E 1.99:fermilab-conf-19-769-td
Design and Manufacturing Challenges of the SSR1 Current Leads for PIP-II |
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E 1.99:fermilab-conf-19-770-sqms-td
Gradients of 50 MV/m in TESLA Shaped Cavities via Modified Low Temperature Bake |
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E 1.99: fermilab-conf-19-771-sqms-td
Alignment Monitoring System for the PIP-II Prototype SSR1 Cryomodule |
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E 1.99:fermilab-conf-19-772-sqms-td
Nb?Sn at Fermilab Exploring Performance. |
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E 1.99: fermilab-conf-19-773-sqms
A Ferroelectric Fast Reactive Tuner for Superconducting Cavities |
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E 1.99:fermilab-conf-19-774-ad-sqms-td
Characterization of SSR1 Cavities for PIP-II Linac |
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