E 1.99:fermilab-proposal-0908
A Silicon Track Trigger for the D0 Experiment in Run II |
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E 1.99:fermilab-proposal-0909
Proposal for Enhancement of the CDF II Detector An Inner Silicon Layer and A Time of Flight Detector. |
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E 1.99:fermilab-proposal-0910
Analyzing Power $A_n$ in High P-Transverse Squared Proton-Proton Elestic Scattering |
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E 1.99:fermilab-proposal-0911
Fermilab Test Beam Proposal for Diamond Tracking Detectors |
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Beam Test of High-Performance Hadron Calorimeter for Future Linear Colliders |
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E 1.99:fermilab-proposal-0913
A Proposal for Calibration and Testing of a Transition Radiation Detector for Space Applications |
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E 1.99:fermilab-proposal-0914
A Magnetic Degrading Spectrometer for Trapping of Low Energy Antiprotons at Fermilab |
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The Hybrid Emulsion Detector for MINOS R&D Proposal |
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Memorandum of Understanding |
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E 1.99:fermilab-proposal--0918
Proposal for an Experiment to Measure Mixing, CP Violation and Rare Decays in Charm and Beauty Particle Decays at the Fermilab Collider - BTeV |
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E 1.99: fermilab-proposal--0918-a
Update to Proposal for an Experiment to Measure Mixing, CP Violation and Rare Decays in Charm and Beauty Particle Decays at the Fermilab Collider - BTeV |
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E 1.99:fermilab-proposal--0919
US CMS Silicon Tracker Project [PowerPoint] |
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E 1.99:fermilab-proposal--0920
A Search for the Higgs Boson Using Very Forward Tracking Detectors with CDF |
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E 1.99:fermilab-proposal-0921
Charged Kaons at the Main injector (CKM) A proposal for a precision measurement of the decay K+ --> pi+ neutrino anti-neutrino and other rare K+ processes at Fermilab using the Main Injector. |
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E 1.99:fermilab-proposal--0923
The PRIME Project A Proposal for Fermilab to Join a NASA SMEX. |
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E 1.99:fermilab-proposal-0925 fermilab-design-2001-02
D0 Run IIB Silicon Detector Upgrade Technical Design Report. |
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E 1.99:fermilab-proposal-0928
Proposal for Tests of a Prototype Veto Shield for MINOS |
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NOvA Proposal to Build a 30 Kiloton Off-Axis Detector to Study $\nu_{\mu} \to \nu_e$ Oscillations in the NuMI Beamline. |
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E 1.99:fermilab-proposal-0934
Proposal for a Cosmic Ray Veto Shield for the MINOS Far Detector |
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E 1.99:fermilab-proposal-0938
Proposal to perform a high - statisics neutrino scattering experiment using a fine - grained detector in the NuMI Beam |
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