Call Number (LC) Title Results
E 1.99:fermilab-pub--15-277-cms Search for Diphoton Resonances in the Mass Range from 150 to 850 GeV in pp Collisions at $\sqrt{s}$ = 8 TeV 1
E 1.99:fermilab-pub--15-278-cms Search for a massive resonance decaying into a Higgs boson and a W or Z boson in hadronic final states in proton-proton collisions at √s = 8 TeV 1
E 1.99:fermilab-pub--15-279-cms Search for the Standard Model Higgs Boson Produced through Vector Boson Fusion and Decaying to $\mathrm{b\bar{b}}$ 1
E 1.99:fermilab-pub--15-280-t Is the Higgs boson composed of neutrinos? 1
E 1.99:fermilab-pub--15-281-a Combining Galaxy-Galaxy Lensing and Galaxy Clustering 1
E 1.99:fermilab-pub--15-282-cd Dark Matter Benchmark Models for Early LHC Run-2 Searches. Report of the ATLAS/CMS Dark Matter Forum 1
E 1.99:fermilab-pub--15-283-cd Simplified Models for Dark Matter Searches at the LHC 1
E 1.99:fermilab-pub--15-284-t Gradient Flow and Scale Setting on MILC HISQ Ensembles 1
E 1.99: fermilab-pub-15-285-ae Cosmology from cosmic shear with Dark Energy Survey Science Verification data 1
E 1.99:fermilab-pub--15-286-t Heavy Higgs bosons and the 2 TeV $W'$ boson 1
E 1.99:fermilab-pub--15-287-ae-cd Discovery of a new blue quasar SDSS J022218.03-062511.1. 1
E 1.99:fermilab-pub--15-288-t $B\to\pi\ell\ell$ Form Factors for New-Physics Searches from Lattice QCD 1
E 1.99:fermilab-pub--15-289-nd Precision measurement of the speed of propagation of neutrinos using the MINOS detectors 1
E 1.99:fermilab-pub--15-290-t Particle Physics after the Higgs-Boson Discovery Opportunities for the Large Hadron Collider. 1
E 1.99:fermilab-pub-15-292-a Searching for MeV-scale gauge bosons with IceCube 1
E 1.99:fermilab-pub--15-293-nd Design and Operation of A Setup with A Camera and Adjustable Mirror to Inspect the Sense-Wire Planes of the Time Projection Chamber Inside the MicroBooNE Cryostat 1
E 1.99:fermilab-pub--15-294-a The high-redshift gamma-ray burst GRB 140515A 1
E 1.99:fermilab-pub--15-295-ae Constraints on the richness-mass relation and the optical-SZE positional offset distribution for SZE-selected clusters 1
E 1.99:fermilab-pub--15-296-ppd Direct tests of micro channel plates as the active element of a new shower maximum detector 1
E 1.99:fermilab-pub--15-297-td Methodology for the structural design of single spoke accelerating cavities at Fermilab 1