E 1.99:inl/ext-21-64522-rev000
Reactor Pressure Vessel Fracture Mechanics Development and Concrete Application Testing for Grizzly |
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E 1.99:inl/ext-21-64543-rev000
FY21 progress report for Advanced Re-fabrication/Re-instrumentation Capability Development |
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E 1.99:INL/EXT-21-64546-Rev000
Risk-Informed Analysis for Enhanced Resilient Nuclear Power Plant with Initiatives including ATF, FLEX, and Advanced Battery Technology |
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E 1.99:inl/ext-21-64565-rev000
Treatment of uncertainties for security-related design aspects of advanced reactors when using a risk-informed licensing approach. |
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E 1.99:inl/ext-21-64572-rev000
LOTUS System Architecture Model |
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E 1.99:inl/ext-21-64574-rev000
Grizzly Development for Light Water Reactor and Advanced Reactor Applications in Fiscal Year 2021 |
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E 1.99:inl/ext-21-64576-rev000
AGR-5/6/7 Irradiation As Run Predictions Using PARFUME |
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E 1.99:inl/ext-21-64580-rev000
Digital Infrastructure Migration Framework Report |
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E 1.99:inl/ext-21-64582-rev000
The Steel Equivalency Workbook An X-Ray Transmission Calculator. |
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E 1.99:inl/ext-21-64589-rev000
Efficient failure probability calculations and modeling interface debonding in TRISO particles with BISON |
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E 1.99:inl/ext-21-64614-rev000
U-50Zr Microstructure and Property Assessment for LWR Applications |
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E 1.99:inl/ext-21-64616-rev000
Small Reactors in Microgrids Technical Studies Guidance. |
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E 1.99:inl/ext-21-64625-rev000
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E 1.99:inl/ext-21-64633-rev000
Atomistic and mesoscale simulations to determine effective diffusion coefficient of fission products in SiC |
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E 1.99:inl/ext-21-64643-rev000
Matrix Graphite Material Models In Pebbles and Compacts For Bison |
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E 1.99:inl/ext-21-64657-rev000
INL FY 2021 Laboratory Overview |
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E 1.99:inl/ext-21-64685-rev000
INL Environmental Monitoring Plan, DOE/ID-11088 Revision 5 |
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Advancements in modeling fuel pulverization and cladding behavior during a LOCA |
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Advancements in modeling fuel pulverization and cladding behavior during a LOCA |
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E 1.99:inl/ext-21-64715-rev000
DE-FOA-0002564 Request for Information on Establishing a New Manufacturing Institute. |
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