Call Number (LC) Title Results
E 1.99:la-8556-ms Measurement of highly enriched uranium metal buttons with the high-level neutron coincidence counter operating in the active mode 1
E 1.99:la-8557 Models and analyses for inertial-confinement fusion-reactor studies 1
E 1.99:LA-8562-MS Basic research needed for the development of geothermal energy / 1
E 1.99:la-8562-ms Basic research needed for the development of geothermal energy 1
E 1.99:la-8566-ms 9519 biotite granodiorite reacted in a temperature gradient 1
E 1.99:la-8567-ms Melting under shock compression 1
E 1.99:la-8569-ms Heat-flow measurements in the state of Arkansas. Final report 1
E 1.99:la-8571-ms Program MASTERCALC an interactive computer program for radioanalytical computations. Description and operating instructions. 1
E 1.99:la-8584-ms Radiation detectors as surveillance monitors for IAEA safeguards 1
E 1.99:la-8586-pr Laboratory studies of radionuclide distributions between selected groundwaters and geologic media. Progress report, October 1, 1979-September 30, 1980 1
E 1.99:la-8587-ms Publications of LASL research, 1979 1
E 1.99:la-8592-pr Accelerator technology program. Progress report, January-December 1979 1
E 1.99:la-8597 Interaction of a ²³⁸Pu fueled-sphere assembly with a simulated terrestrial environment 1
E 1.99:la-8598-ms Case history on geothermal-well-log interpretation Surprise Valley, California. 1
E 1.99:la-8600-ms Edge envelope equation for a ballistically focused neutralized ion beam 1
E 1.99:la-8603-ms Plutonium isotopic composition by gamma-ray spectroscopy 1
E 1.99:LA-8607-PR Nuclear Reactor Safety. Quarterly progress report, April 1-June 30, 1980 1
E 1.99:la-8608-ms Geothermal potential of West-Central New Mexico from geochemical and thermal gradient data 1
E 1.99:la-8609-ms DOE research in utilization of high-performance computers 1
E 1.99:la-8610-ms Oxidation of depleted uranium penetrators and aerosol dispersal at high temperatures 1