E 1.99:la-ur-14-27366
The role of Atlantic Multi-decadal Oscillation in the global mean temperature variability |
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E 1.99:la-ur-14-27369
Differential Die-Away Instrument Report on Neutron Detector Recovery Performance and Proposed Improvements. |
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E 1.99:la-ur-14-27382
Developing a Method for Unique Identification of Used Fuel Storage Casks Using Neutrons |
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E 1.99:la-ur-14-27387
Recycling at Los Alamos National Laboratory |
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E 1.99:la-ur--14-27389
Database for Regional Geology, Phase 1 A Tool for Informing Regional Evaluations of Alternative Geologic Media and Decision Making. |
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E 1.99:la-ur--14-27390
Uranium transport in a crushed granodiorite Experiments and reactive transport modeling. |
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E 1.99:la-ur-14-27393
12C fragmentation at 0.3-2.0 GeV/n test of ion-ion interaction models. |
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E 1.99:la-ur-14-27403
Uncertainties of Gamma-Ray Flux into 4Pi |
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E 1.99:la-ur-14-27418
Pulsed Plasma Transit System (PPTS) Shield Scoping |
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E 1.99:la--ur-14-27431
A Two-length Scale Turbulence Model for Single-phase Multi-fluid Mixing |
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E 1.99:la-ur-14-27438
Fielding of the newest Gas Cherenkov Detector (GCD-3) at OMEGA |
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E 1.99:la-ur-14-27442
Thermal Aging Effect of SX358 Foams |
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E 1.99:la-ur-14-27446
Final Report Part 1. In-Place Filter Testing Instrument for Nuclear Material Containers. Part 2. Canister Filter Test Standards for Aerosol Capture Rates. |
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E 1.99:la-ur--14-27449
The NeXus data format |
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E 1.99:la-ur-14-27452
Few-Layer Planar Terahertz Metamaterials |
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E 1.99:la-ur-14-27453
KPE C-10 L2 Milestone Review |
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Beam Dynamics for ARIA |
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E 1.99:la-ur-14-27471
2014 U.S. DRIVE Highlight - Local ALE Method or Moving Parts in Engine Simulations |
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Corrigendum and addendum. Modeling weakly nonlinear acoustic wave propagation |
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E 1.99:la-ur-14-27483
DARHT Axis II Cathode 12-16 Lifetime Limitations |
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