Call Number (LC) Title Results
E 1.99:la-ur-16-20612 Molecular dynamics simulation of thermal transport in <math display='inline'><mrow><msub><mrow><mi>UO</mi></mrow><mrow><mn>2</mn></mrow></msub></mrow></math> containing uranium, oxygen, and fission-product defects 1
E 1.99:la-ur--16-20614 Surviving Scientific Academia . . . and Beyond 1
E 1.99:la-ur-16-20616 Dimensionality effects in void-induced explosive sensitivity 1
E 1.99:la-ur--16-20619 Synthesis and preliminary biological evaluations of fluorescent or <sup>149</sup>Promethium labeled Trastuzumab-polyethylenimine 1
E 1.99:la-ur--16-20620 Investigation of trimethylacetic acid adsorption on stoichiometric and oxygen-deficient CeO<sub>2</sub> (111) surfaces 1
E 1.99:la-ur--16-20622 A local structure model for network analysis 1
E 1.99:la-ur--16-20639 Explaining the dynamics of the ultra-relativistic third Van Allen radiation belt 1
E 1.99:la-ur--16-20640 Thermodynamics of multicaloric effects in multiferroic materials application to metamagnetic shape-memory alloys and ferrotoroidics. 1
E 1.99:la-ur--16-20641 Erratum Nonlinear Dirac equation solitary waves in external fields [Phys. Rev. E 86, 046602 (2012)] 1
E 1.99:la-ur--16-20649 Volcanic lightning and plume behavior reveal evolving hazards during the April 2015 eruption of Calbuco Volcano, Chile 1
E 1.99:la-ur--16-20652 Structural and thermodynamic properties of the Cm<sup>III</sup> ion solvated by water and methanol 1
E 1.99:la-ur--16-20656 Hazardous Material Packaging and Transportation 1
E 1.99:la-ur--16-20657 Conjugate Heat Transfer and Thermal Mechanical Analysis for the Fast Spectrum Neutron Source for Materials Irradiation 1
E 1.99:la-ur--16-20658 Nonequilibrium solvent effects in Born-Oppenheimer molecular dynamics for ground and excited electronic states 1
E 1.99:la-ur-16-20660 RAM-SCB simulations of electron transport and plasma wave scattering during the October 2012 “double-dip” storm 1
E 1.99:la-ur--16-20665 Notes on Piezoelectricity 1
E 1.99:la-ur--16-20668 High-order hydrodynamic algorithms for exascale computing 1
E 1.99:la-ur--16-20676 Increasing shot and data collection rates of the Shock/Shear experiment at the National Ignition Facility 1
E 1.99:la-ur--16-20679 A Report on the Validation of Beryllium Strength Models 1
E 1.99:la-ur-16-20684 DRiFT - A Detector Response Function Toolkit 1