Call Number (LC) Title Results
E 1.99:LA-UR-18-23915 A method for including diffusive effects in texture evolution 1
E 1.99:la-ur-18-23922 Applying Artificial Intelligence to Accelerators 1
E 1.99:la-ur--18-23923 Plutonium particle analysis by LG-SIMS and LA-MC-ICP-MS for environmental safeguards 1
E 1.99:la-ur--18-23924 Description of the code ANVIL (ANisotropic Vhf Impulse Location) 1
E 1.99:la-ur--18-23932 Simple measurements in a complex system soil community responses to nitrogen amendment in a <em>Pinus taeda</em> forest. 1
E 1.99:la-ur--18-23944 Assessing the combined influence of fluid-rock interactions on reservoir properties and injectivity during CO<sub>2</sub> storage in saline aquifers 1
E 1.99:la-ur--18-23953 High-Resolution 3D Acoustic Borehole Integrity Monitoring System 1
E 1.99:la-ur--18-23957 Measurement of the angle dependence of magnetostriction in pulsed magnetic fields using a piezoelectric strain gauge 1
E 1.99:la-ur--18-23958 Measurement of the angle dependence of magnetostriction in pulsed magnetic fields using a piezoelectric strain gauge 1
E 1.99: la-ur-18-23981 Pulse dilation gas Cherenkov detector for ultra-fast gamma reaction history at the NIF (invited) 1
E 1.99:la-ur-18-23982 Application of muon tomography to fuel cask monitoring 1
E 1.99:la-ur-18-23985 Progress toward eliminating use of HEU in Mo-99 production with a multi-physics simulation 1
E 1.99:la-ur--18-23992 Generation and Maintenance of SDSs at KCNSC 1
E 1.99:la-ur-18-23997 SHIELDS/RAM-SCB and Opportunities for Partnership with CCMC 1
E 1.99:la-ur-18-24000 Field-induced canting of magnetic moments in GdCo<sub>5</sub> at finite temperature first-principles calculations and high-field measurements. 1
E 1.99:la-ur-18-24007 Shock physics at the nanoscale [Invited] 1
E 1.99:la-ur--18-24010 Non-invasive acoustic monitoring of D<sub>2</sub>O concentration 1
E 1.99:la-ur-18-24011 Next-to-next-to-leading order N-jettiness soft function for tW production 1
E 1.99:la-ur--18-24015 Underground Nuclear Testing 1
E 1.99:la-ur-18-24022 Fifth User Workshop on high-power lasers at the Linac Coherent Light Source 1