Call Number (LC) Title Results
E 1.99:la-ur-04-4434 Infrared Images of Shock-Heated Tin 1
E 1.99:la-ur-04-4437 Design, construction, and initial operation of the SNS MEBT chopper system 1
E 1.99:la-ur-04-4446 Reliability analysis of fault-tolerant reconfigurable nano-architectures 1
E 1.99:la-ur-04-4447 Source term analysis in support of safeguards approaches for uranium conversion facilities. 1
E 1.99:la-ur-04-4448 Free toplogy networks and their application in IAEA safeguards. 1
E 1.99:la-ur-04-4449 Distributed miniature radiation detectors for monitoring plutonium casting processes. 1
E 1.99:la-ur-04-4451 The SO-20.3 MC&A modernization plan final report. 1
E 1.99:la-ur-04-4452 Evaluation of effectiveness for MC&A programs 1
E 1.99:la-ur-04-4453 A new image representation for compact and secure communication 1
E 1.99:la-ur-04-4465 A statistical pattern recognition paradigm for structural health monitoring 1
E 1.99:la-ur-04-4471 FRAM's performance under various measurement conditions. 1
E 1.99:la-ur-04-4472 Application of lanthanum halide scintillators and low-resolution dense plastics for modern MC&A needs. 1
E 1.99:la-ur-04-4500 A Compton imaging device for radioactive material detection 1
E 1.99:la-ur-04-4515 Plutonium metal exchange program current status and statistical analysis. 1
E 1.99:la-ur-04-4519 Release of MCNP5_RSICC_1.30. 1
E 1.99:la-ur-04-4522 Material control and surveillance for high frequency access vaults project 1
E 1.99:la-ur-04-4532 High performance computing&Monte Carlo 1
E 1.99:la-ur-04-4561 Model parameter updating using Bayesian networks 1
E 1.99:la-ur-04-4570 Commissioning and initial operation of the Isotope Production Facility at the Los Alamos Neutron Science Center (LANSCE). 1
E 1.99:la-ur-04-4576 Preliminary plans to move the special nuclear material supporting category I and II missions from TA-18 to the device assembly facility 1