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XRM 2005 - Conference Summary |
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On CO2 Behavior in the Subsurface, Following Leakage from aGeologic Storage Reservoir |
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Not All Large Customers are Made Alike Disaggregating Response toDefault-Service Day-Ahead Market Pricing. |
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E 1.99:lbnl--59631
Evaluation of Ultra-Violet Photocatalytic Oxidation for Indoor AirApplications |
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E 1.99:lbnl--59632
Absence of Rapid Proton Decay and Origin of Low-Energy Particlesand Yukawa Couplings |
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Determination of Dark Matter Properties at High-Energy Colliders |
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E 1.99:lbnl--59655
The Rosetta Resources CO2 Storage Project - A WESTCARB GeologicPilot Test |
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On prediction of wind-borne plumes with simple models of turbulenttransport |
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On the work distribution for the adiabatic compression of a diluteclassical gas |
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Indoor Environmental Risk Factors for Occupant Symptoms in 100U.S. Office Buildings Summary of Three Analyses from the EPA BASEStudy. |
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Metagenomic analysis of phosphorus removing sludgecommunities |
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Air Filter Materials and Building Related Symptoms in the BASEStudy |
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E 1.99:lbnl-59669
Public Health Benefits of End-Use Electrical Energy Efficiency in California An Exploratory Study. |
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E 1.99:lbnl--59672
The pleiotropic roles of transforming growth factor beta inhomeostasis and carcinogenesis of endocrine organs. |
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E 1.99:lbnl--59679
The effect of solvent dynamics on the low frequency collectivemotions of DNA in solution and unoriented films |
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C. Judson King of UC Berkeley |
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E 1.99:lbnl--59695
Cyclotron resonance and quasiparticles |
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E 1.99:lbnl--59723
Beyond Boltzmann-Gibbs statistics Maximum entropy hyperensemblesout-of-equilibrium. |
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E 1.99:lbnl--59724
Weathering of Roofing Materials-An Overview |
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The Synthesis, Characterization and Catalytic Reaction Studies of Monodisperse Platinum Nanoparticles in Mesoporous Oxide Materials |
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