Call Number (LC) Title Results
E 1.99:lbnl-59669 Public Health Benefits of End-Use Electrical Energy Efficiency in California An Exploratory Study. 1
E 1.99:lbnl--59672 The pleiotropic roles of transforming growth factor beta inhomeostasis and carcinogenesis of endocrine organs. 1
E 1.99:lbnl--59679 The effect of solvent dynamics on the low frequency collectivemotions of DNA in solution and unoriented films 1
E 1.99:lbnl--59685 C. Judson King of UC Berkeley 1
E 1.99:lbnl--59695 Cyclotron resonance and quasiparticles 1
E 1.99:lbnl--59723 Beyond Boltzmann-Gibbs statistics Maximum entropy hyperensemblesout-of-equilibrium. 1
E 1.99:lbnl--59724 Weathering of Roofing Materials-An Overview 1
E 1.99:lbnl--59725 The Synthesis, Characterization and Catalytic Reaction Studies of Monodisperse Platinum Nanoparticles in Mesoporous Oxide Materials 1
E 1.99:lbnl--59726-abs International Symposium on Site Characterization for CO2Geological Storage 1
E 1.99:lbnl--59728 Importance of mineralogical data for groundwater quality affectedby CO2 leakage 1
E 1.99:lbnl--59730 Analytic model of bunched beams for harmonic generation in thelow-gain free electron laser regime 1
E 1.99:lbnl--59731 A Review of Hazardous Chemical Species Associated with CO2 Capturefrom Coal-Fired Power Plants and Their Potential Fate in CO2 GeologicStorage 1
E 1.99:lbnl--59732 On Leakage from Geologic Storage Reservoirs of CO2 1
E 1.99:lbnl--59735 Using a Family of Dividing Surfaces Normal to the Minimum EnergyPath for Quantum Instanton Rate Constants 1
E 1.99:lbnl--59737 The Role of Demand Response in Default Service Pricing 1
E 1.99:lbnl--59737-jart The Role of Demand Response in Default Service Pricing 1
E 1.99:lbnl--59739 Killing Two Birds with One Stone Can Real-Time Pricing SupportRetail Competition and Demand Response? 1
E 1.99:lbnl--59740 RTP as an Optional Service It's Alive, But Is It Well? 1
E 1.99:lbnl--59744 Encouraging PV Adoption in New Market-Rate ResidentialConstruction A Critical Review of Program Experiences to Date. 1
E 1.99:lbnl--59745 Electricity and Natural Gas Efficiency Improvements forResidential Gas Furnaces in the U.S. 1