Call Number (LC) Title Results
E 1.99:lbnl-3739e Extending the search for neutrino point sources with IceCube above the horizon 1
E 1.99:lbnl-3740e-poster Functional Ecological Gene Networks to Reveal the Changes Among Microbial Interactions Under Elevated Carbon Dioxide Conditions 1
E 1.99:lbnl-3741e The U-tube A new paradigm in borehole fluid sampling. 1
E 1.99:lbnl-3742e-poster Identification of Small RNAs in Desulfovibrio vulgaris Hildenborough 1
E 1.99:lbnl-3743e-poster Development of a Model, Metal-reducing Microbial Community for a System Biology Level Assessment of Desulfovibrio vulgaris as part of a Community 1
E 1.99:lbnl-3744e-poster Conservation of Modules but not Phenotype in Bacterial Response to Environmental Stress 1
E 1.99:lbnl-3745e The expression level of HJURP has an independent prognostic impact and predicts the sensitivity to radiotherapy in breast cancer 1
E 1.99:lbnl-3746e Modeling laser wakefield accelerators in a Lorentz boosted frame 1
E 1.99:lbnl-3747e Assess the key physics that underpins high-hydro coupling-efficiency in NDCX-II experiments and high-gain heavy ion direct drive target designs using proven hydro codes like HYDRA 1
E 1.99:lbnl-3748e Li+ alumino-silicate ion source development for the Neutralized Drift Compression Experiment (NDCX-II) 1
E 1.99:lbnl-3749e-poster Taxa-area Relationship (TAR) of Microbial Functional Genes with Long-TGerm Fertilization 1
E 1.99:lbnl-3750e Electron and Photon Interactions in the Regime of Strong LPM Suppression 1
E 1.99:lbnl-3751e IceCube An Instrument for Neutrino Astronomy. 1
E 1.99:lbnl-3753e Design of a Nb3Sn Magnet for a 4th Generation ECR Ion Source 1
E 1.99:lbnl-3754e Measurements on Subscale Y-Ba-Cu-O Racetrack Coils at 77 K and Self-Field 1
E 1.99:lbnl-3755e Normal and tumor-derived myoepithelial cells differ in their ability to interact with luminal breast epithelial cells for polarity and basement membrane deposition 1
E 1.99:lbnl--3756e Watching Electrons Transfer from Metals to Insulators using Two Photon Photoemission 1
E 1.99:lbnl-3757e-poster Comparative Metagenomics of Freshwater Microbial Communities 1
E 1.99:lbnl-3758e Biocorrosive Thermophilic Microbial Communities in Alaskan North Slope Oil Facilities 1