Call Number (LC) Title Results
E 1.99:lbnl-371e Supersymmetry and Superstring Phenomenology 1
E 1.99:lbnl-372e Global Carbon Emissions in the Coming Decades The Case of China. 1
E 1.99:lbnl--373e Two-photon Photoemission of Organic Semiconductor Molecules on Ag(111) 1
E 1.99:lbnl-374e Two-photon Photo-emission of Ultrathin Film PTCDA Morphologies on Ag(111) 1
E 1.99:lbnl-376e Effectiveness of Urban Shelter-in-Place. III Commercial Districts. 1
E 1.99:lbnl-377e Fuel Effects on a Low-Swirl Injector for Lean Premixed Gas Turbines 1
E 1.99:lbnl-378e Precise predictions for B -> Xs l+ l- in the large q2 region 1
E 1.99:lbnl-379e Assessment of the sources of error affecting the quantitative accuracy of SPECT imaging in small animals 1
E 1.99:lbnl-381e Estimating solar access of typical residential rooftops A case study in San Jose, CA. 1
E 1.99:lbnl-382e Integrating Data Clustering and Visualization for the Analysis of 3D Gene Expression Data 1
E 1.99:lbnl-383e The eukaryotic translation elongation factor eEF1A2 induces neoplastic properties and mediates tumorigenic effects of ZNF217 in precursor cells of human ovarian carcinomas 1
E 1.99:lbnl-384e Studying Nanoscale Magnetism and its Dynamics with Soft X-ray Microscopy 1
E 1.99:lbnl-385e Quantum entanglement of baby universes 1
E 1.99:lbnl-386e Geometric metastability, quivers and holography 1
E 1.99:lbnl-387e Geometric transitions and D-term SUSY breaking 1
E 1.99:lbnl-388e Predicting the Cosmological Constant from the Causal Entropic Principle 1
E 1.99:lbnl-389e Landscape predictions from cosmological vacuum selection 1
E 1.99:lbnl-390e Solvable Examples of Drift and Diffusion of Ions in Non-uniform Electric Fields 1
E 1.99:lbnl-391e TASI Lectures on the cosmological constant 1
E 1.99:lbnl-392e Improving the bulk data transfer experience 1