E 1.99:llnl-jrnl--680318
Liquid-liquid phase transition in hydrogen by coupled electron-ion Monte Carlo simulations |
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E 1.99:llnl-jrnl--680322
Microstructure and mechanical properties of Ti-6Al-4V Mill-annealed versus direct metal laser melted alloys. |
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E 1.99:llnl-jrnl--680437
A Conceptual Architecture for National Biosurveillance Moving Beyond Situational Awareness to Enable Digital Detection of Emerging Threats. |
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E 1.99:llnl-jrnl--680457
A stable compound of helium and sodium at high pressure |
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E 1.99:llnl-jrnl--680462
Plutonium(IV) and (V) sorption to goethite at sub-femtomolar to micromolar concentrations Redox transformations and surface precipitation. |
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E 1.99:llnl-jrnl--680464
Electronic band structure effects in the stopping of protons in copper [Electronic band structure non-linear effects in the stopping of protons in copper] |
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E 1.99:llnl-jrnl--680477
The Art and Science of Climate Model Tuning |
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E 1.99:llnl-jrnl--680482
Dynamic Behavior of Engineered Lattice Materials |
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E 1.99:llnl-jrnl--680497
The PROSPECT physics program |
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E 1.99:llnl-jrnl--680498
Phase transformations at interfaces Observations from atomistic modeling. |
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E 1.99:llnl-jrnl--680511
"Metallic burn paper" used for in situ characterization of laser beam properties |
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E 1.99:llnl-jrnl--680520
A new streaked soft x-ray imager for the National Ignition Facility |
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E 1.99:llnl-jrnl--680526
Atom Interferometry in the Presence of an External Test Mass |
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E 1.99:llnl-jrnl--680530
Predicting the severity of spurious "double ITCZ" problem in CMIP5 coupled models from AMIP simulations [Tropical versus extratropical origins of the spurious 'double ITCZ' in coupled climate models] |
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E 1.99:llnl-jrnl--680575
Three-dimensional imaging of cholesterol and sphingolipids within a Madin-Darby canine kidney cell |
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E 1.99:llnl-jrnl--680585
Denudation of metal powder layers in laser powder bed fusion processes |
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E 1.99:llnl-jrnl--680589
Excitation energies, radiative and autoionization rates, dielectronic satellite lines, and dielectronic recombination rates for excited states of Rb-like W from Kr-like W [Relativistic atomic data for Rb-like tungsten] |
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E 1.99:llnl-jrnl--680635
Future loss of Arctic sea-ice cover could drive a substantial decrease in California's rainfall [Seasonally ice-free Arctic favors dry California] |
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E 1.99:llnl-jrnl--680722
Utilizing dynamic laser speckle to probe nanoscale morphology evolution in nanoporous gold thin films |
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E 1.99:llnl-jrnl--680732
Strongly interacting dynamics and the search for new physics at the LHC |
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