E 1.99:llnl-jrnl--760930
Biomimetic potassium-selective nanopores |
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E 1.99:LLNL-JRNL-760960
Flow boiling of R134a in a large surface area microchannel array for high-flux laser diode cooling |
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E 1.99:llnl-jrnl--760987
Incident wavelength and polarization dependence of spectral shifts in β-Ga<sub>2</sub>O<sub>3</sub> UV photoluminescence |
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E 1.99:llnl-jrnl--761084
Femtosecond diffraction studies of solid and liquid phase changes in shock-compressed bismuth |
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E 1.99:llnl-jrnl-761112
Active mixing of disparate inks for multi-material 3D printing |
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E 1.99:llnl-jrnl-761173
Observation of He-like Satellite Lines of the H-like Potassium K xix Emission |
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E 1.99:llnl-jrnl-761178
An O(N logN) multi-layer boundary element method for direct computation of sound propagation in shallow water environments |
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E 1.99:llnl-jrnl-761230
Quantum Annealing Systems of Equations. |
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E 1.99:llnl-jrnl-761289
Toward a Deep Learning System for Making Sense of Unlabeled Multimodal Data |
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E 1.99:llnl-jrnl-761310
Mesoscale to Microscale Simulations over Complex Terrain with the Immersed Boundary Method in the Weather Research and Forecasting Model |
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E 1.99:llnl-jrnl--761422
Nonlinear FM-AM conversion due to stimulated Brillouin scattering |
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E 1.99:llnl--jrnl-761940
Sensitivity of a Bayesian source-term estimation model to spatiotemporal sensor resolution |
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E 1.99:llnl-jrnl-762237
Exploring Utilization Options of Heterogeneous Architectures for Multi-Physics Simulations |
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E 1.99:llnl-jrnl--762419
miniTimeCube as a neutron scatter camera |
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E 1.99:LLNL-JRNL-762491
High resolution measurement of tagged two-neutron energy and angle correlations in <sup>252</sup>Cf (sf) |
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E 1.99:llnl-jrnl-762497
Reflector Selection for the Indexing of Electron Backscatter Diffraction Patterns |
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E 1.99:llnl-jrnl-762705
Explicit Filtering and Reconstruction to Reduce Grid Dependence in Convective Boundary Layer Simulations Using WRF-LES |
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E 1.99:llnl-jrnl-763069
Study of self-diffraction from laser generated plasma gratings in the nanosecond regime |
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E 1.99:llnl-jrnl--763159
Production and polarization of prompt $\Upsilon$($nS$) in the improved color evaporation model using the $k_T$ -factorization approach |
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E 1.99:llnl-jrnl--763319
Design of optical/IR blocking filters for the Lynx X-ray Microcalorimeter [Design of optical/IR blocking filters for the Lynx S-ray Microcalorimeter (LXM)] |
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