Call Number (LC) Title Results
E 1.99:llnl-jrnl-455938 Electronic Structure of Warm Dense Copper Studied by Ultrafast X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy 1
E 1.99:llnl-jrnl-456011 The structure of turbulent flow at a river confluence with a momentum ratio close to one insight provided by an eddy-resolving simulation. 1
E 1.99:llnl-jrnl-456252 Interaction and Coalescence of Nanovoids and Dynamic Fracture in Silica Glass Multimiilion-to-Billion Atom Molecular Dynamics Simulations. 1
E 1.99:llnl-jrnl-456333 Measurements of Core and Compressed Shell Temperature and Density Conditions in Thick-Wall Target Implosions at OMEGA 1
E 1.99:llnl-jrnl-456334 Spin crossover in ferropericlase at high pressure a seismically silent/transparent transition? 1
E 1.99:llnl-jrnl-456395 MIO Radiation Detection using Radio Controlled Helicopter Transporting a Small Sodium Iodide-Based Sensor System 1
E 1.99:llnl-jrnl-456431 Theoretical investigations of defects in a Si-based digital ferromagnetic heterostructure - a spintronic material 1
E 1.99:llnl-jrnl-456657 Investigation of iron sulfide impact crater residues a combined analysis by scanning and transmission electron microscopy. 1
E 1.99:llnl-jrnl-456731 Formation Mechanism and the Role of Nanoparticles in Fe-Cr ODS Steels Developed for Radiation Tolerance 1
E 1.99:llnl-jrnl-456808 Divergence of laser-generated hot electrons generated in a cone geometry 1
E 1.99:llnl-jrnl-456818 Ultrafast, Chipscale Light Deflector Enabling an All-Optical, Solid-State Streak Camera 1
E 1.99:llnl-jrnl-457054 Synthesis of ZnO coated Activated Carbon Aerogel by Simple Sol-Gel Route 1
E 1.99:llnl-jrnl-457059 The Consequences of Interface Mixing on Organic Photovoltaic Device Characteristics 1
E 1.99:llnl-jrnl-457358 On Predictability of Turbulent Flows 1
E 1.99:llnl-jrnl-457931 Park et al. Reply 1
E 1.99:llnl-jrnl-458076 He bubble coarsening by migration and coalescence in annealed Pu-Ga alloys 1
E 1.99:llnl-jrnl-458115 Structural and optical properties of liquid CO2 up to 1 terapascal 1
E 1.99:llnl-jrnl-458392 Defending the Nation's Harbors A Model-Based Response to Nuclear Terrorism. 1
E 1.99:llnl-jrnl--458472 Standard design for National Ignition Facility x-ray streak and framing cameras 1
E 1.99:llnl-jrnl-458654 Erratum Time-step Considerations in Particle Simulation Algorithms for Coulomb Collisions in Plasmas [B.I. Cohen, A. M. Dimits, A. Friedman, and R. E. Caflisch, IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci. 38, 2394 (2010)] 1