Call Number (LC) Title Results
E 1.99:llnl-jrnl--544136 Evaporite Caprock Integrity. An experimental study of reactive mineralogy and pore-scale heterogeneity during brine-CO<sub>2</sub> exposure 1
E 1.99:llnl-jrnl-546455 A General Nonlinear Fluid Model for Reacting Plasma-Neutral Mixtures 1
E 1.99:llnl-jrnl-546911 3D Effects in Geomagnetic EMP Computations 1
E 1.99:llnl-jrnl--547032 Radiochromic film measurement of spatial uniformity for a laser generated x-ray environment 1
E 1.99:llnl-jrnl-547051 The X-Ray Source Application (XRSA) Test Cassette for Radiation Exposures at the OMEGA Laser 1
E 1.99:llnl-jrnl-547071 Dynamic structure factor in warm dense beryllium 1
E 1.99:llnl-jrnl--547431 Nanoporous Gold as a Platform for a Building Block Catalyst 1
E 1.99:llnl-jrnl--547774 Arc-based smoothing of ion beam intensity on targets 1
E 1.99:llnl-jrnl-548132 Multiplexed gas spectroscopy using tunable VCSELs 1
E 1.99:llnl-jrnl--548392 Switchable Chiral Selection of Aspartic Acids by Dynamic States of Brushite 1
E 1.99:llnl-jrnl-548651 Final Version Orbital Specificity in the Unoccupied States of UO2 from Resonant Inverse Photoelectron Spectroscopy. 1
E 1.99:llnl-jrnl--548674 Regional assessment of the parameter-dependent performance of CAM4 in simulating tropical clouds 1
E 1.99:llnl-jrnl-550171 Implosion and Burn of Fast Ignition Capsules - Calculations wioth HYDRA 1
E 1.99:llnl-jrnl-550191 A Note on the Convergence of the Godunov Method for Impact Problems 1
E 1.99:llnl-jrnl--550851 First-principles study of the infrared spectra of the ice Ih (0001) surface 1
E 1.99:llnl-jrnl-550992 Intra-Jet Shocks in Two Counter-Streaming, Weakly Collisional Plasma Jets 1
E 1.99:llnl-jrnl-551175 RIMS Analysis of Ion Induced Fragmentation of Molecules Sputtered from an Enriched U3O8 Matrix 1
E 1.99:llnl-jrnl--551773 Kinematics and dynamics of the East Pacific Rise linked to a stable, deep-mantle upwelling [Kinematics and dynamics of the East Pacific Rise linked to whole mantel convective motions] 1
E 1.99:llnl-jrnl-552951 Beyond Mean-Field Calculation For Pairing Correlation 1
E 1.99:llnl-jrnl--553211 Boulder damage symposium annual thin film laser damage competition 1